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How to Recruit New Members

Welcome to Your Resource Page for Recruiting New Members!

Even if you’re unable to volunteer in other ways, every OLLI member can be a Membership Recruiter—and it’s easy! Simply share why you love OLLI with your friends and invite them to join. This might be the most rewarding volunteer opportunity available, as most of our members first heard about OLLI through a friend. They’ll be forever grateful—and the best part? You may not even have to leave home!

Ways to Help Grow Our OLLI Community

Invite a Friend to the OLLI EXPO

Each year, we host an event in late August or early September to kick off Santa Clara University’s school year. This is a great opportunity to showcase our programs, with representatives from the Curriculum Committee, SIGs, and other activities available to answer questions.

Share Our Sample Recording (Coming Soon) 

Use the link below to access a brief introductory recording about OLLI. You can watch it with a friend to answer their questions or simply forward it to them with a follow-up message.

Use the Mini-Catalog

Each term, we produce a mini-catalog featuring upcoming courses. A printed version is available outside the office, and you can also share a digital copy via email using the link below.

Sample Email to Send to Friends:

Subject: Discover OLLI at Santa Clara University!

Hi [Friend’s Name],

I’m a member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Santa Clara University, and I absolutely love it! OLLI offers engaging, college-level classes—with no prerequisites, no homework, no tests, and no grades—just great learning in a welcoming community. It’s also a fantastic way to meet people who share similar interests.

I’m attaching our current catalog so you can explore upcoming classes. I think you’d really enjoy it as much as I do!

Let me know if you’d like to attend an event or try a class with me.

[Your Name]

Distribute the OLLI Brochure

If you’re introducing OLLI to a larger group—such as a retirement community, church group, senior center, or club—you might prefer to share a brochure instead of the full catalog. Copies are available outside the office, and if you need a larger quantity, just ask our OLLI staff.

Bring a Friend to a Class!

We’re excited to introduce new opportunities to share OLLI with potential members!

Last year, we saw great success when members invited a friend to attend a free lecture, leading to many new enrollments. Building on that success, we’re now offering limited spots in select courses where you can bring a friend to the first session if you’re enrolled.

  • If they enjoy the class, they can visit the office, join OLLI, and enroll to complete the course.
  • If they join in the Spring, their membership will be extended through the following year as a welcome gift.

Watch for eligible course listings and give this a try!

Thank you for helping us grow our OLLI community! Your enthusiasm and outreach make a difference.