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OLLI stands for Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. OLLI@SCU is one of 118 Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes made possible by generous grants from the Bernard Osher Foundation. There are Osher Institutes from Maine to Hawaii, and collectively they have over 90,000 members.

Our program is no longer age restrictive so all adults are welcome. Instruction is at university level, but no particular educational background is required. There are no tests, grades, or papers. The classes you select may have some reading or other preparation. To participate in classes, you must be a member of OLLI.

The program is funded by interest from an Osher Foundation endowment, course and membership fees, donations from OLLI members and others. Santa Clara University provides in-kind support (classroom and office space, audiovisual equipment, discounts and services such as finance, purchasing, security and facilities).

If you would like more information on the OLLI program, or would like to get a speaker, someone to staff an information table or get brochures on the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute then just contact the OLLI@SCU office at or call 408.554.2382.

Most of all, Osher members are a part of a group of people who care about ideas and knowledge, who know how much fun it is to learn and grow. Being a part of this community allows members to explore a different side of themselves and expand their thinking with fellow learners.

Click here for the campus map

For complete, up-to-date information on campus regulations and the campus parking plan, visit the Campus Safety web site here

MAIN GATE: Daily permits are available at the Main Gate kiosk. The main gate is at Palm Drive and El Camino Real. It is clearly marked overhead (white on green street sign) as SCU Main Entrance. It is opposite the Santa Clara Transit Center/Caltrain Station.

CAMPUS SAFETY OFFICE: Permits for the Quarter are available for purchase at the Campus Safety Services (CSS) Office for $50 (half-price regular fee). The CSS Office is located on the ground floor of the Parking Structure. CSS accepts cash, personal checks, Visa or MasterCard for this purchase. 

Osher Parking Permits entitle you to park in any commuter student parking stalls, which require an "E" permit. You may park on campus in the following lots: 2nd & 3rd Floor of the Parking Structure, 3rd Mission Lot, Leavey Lot and Loyola Hall Lot. 

Other options to get to campus include:

You may become a member at any time. If your spouse is under age 50 and you are a member, your spouse may also become a member and take classes. You must register online to become a member and take classes. 


Register online at This is a secure site and the fastest and easiest way to register. All registrations are done online with a credit card. The Osher Office does not accept cash or checks.

Membership is $55 per academic year per person (August 1 - July 31). If you need to check on the status of your membership, contact the OLLI office at 408.554.2382. You must renew each year.

The fee for each class, activity or program is included with the description.

Courses are in a variety of time formats. Some are multi-week; some are one-day programs. Five weeks is the longest. It is important that you look at the beginning and ending date with each course description.

A notebook and pen or pencil is a good idea to bring. You may also wish to bring along a bottle of water or travel mug with coffee or tea. If certain supplies or clothing are needed for a course, we note it in the description.

There are no papers, tests or grades. Some members seek additional enrichment material, which instructors may suggest, but such material is entirely optional. If the instructor suggests reading for preparation, we hope you will do it. Otherwise, you will not be able to participate fully in discussion. If you are in a writing class, you may be asked to do some writing for the following class. As the old saying goes: You get out of it what you put into it.

Current and retired faculty members from SCU, as well as independent scholars from other colleges and universities, lead the classes.

If we do not have sufficient enrollment to cover class expenses, we have to cancel and you will be refunded in full.

The Benson Center has a food facility including the Mission Bakery for breakfast and there are a number of restaurants surrounding the campus. Staff at the Adobe Lodge suggests that you arrive early (11:30-11:45) or late (1:00-1:30) if you want to have lunch there.

Benson Center, Mission Bakery, the Adobe Lodge and several restaurants and coffee shops.  You also might enjoy bringing a sack lunch and eating in one of the many gardens available on campus.

Calling All Volunteers!

The efforts and support of volunteers such as yourself make the Osher program possible. Volunteers serve as event and classroom hosts and constitute the committees that provide program support for OLLI at SCU. As the program has grown - to more than 1,000 members last year, and more than 75 programs and events - our need for volunteers has only increased.

If you have any interest in helping, we will welcome your involvement.  Please contact the Osher Office at 408.554.2382 or

Contact the OLLI office in any of these ways or through the "Contact Us" button on the left side of your screen.


Phone: 408-554-2382

Web site:

Classes or Events 

Our refund policy has changed. You will no longer be able to request a refund for a class you cannot attend. We have been given a directive from the finance office that OLLI can no longer request refunds. The refund exceptions are as follows: the classes that are cancelled by the OLLI office, hospitalization, death or a significant life event, which prevents you from participating.


There are no refunds for canceled memberships.


The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at SCU believes that members who cannot afford course fees should have the opportunity to take classes and participate in the rich intellectual life of OLLI@SCU. There is a scholarship program for qualified members. All scholarship applicants must have a current memberships and complete the OLLI scholarship application 4 weeks prior to the start of classes for the quarter in which scholarship assistance is sough. The Scholarship Committee reviews all applications and notifies applicants. Applications are available at