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Refund Policies & Processes

  • Quick How-Tos

Students eligible for a refund can sign up for direct deposit through their Workday @ SCU account.  
How to set up Payment Elections (Direct Deposit) (PDF) instructions

Students can use the 'No Refund Hold' to indicate they do not want credits (from any sources of payments) on their student account to be refunded. The hold allows the credit balance(s) to carry over to the next term(s) and be applied toward future charges. 
Instructions for a student to place or remove a No refund hold


  • Refund Policies


Students may be eligible for a refund if a credit balance is reflecting on their student account . The criteria for obtaining a refund are listed below.

The refund process will begin after the add/drop period of every term.

Refund Criteria

  • Account must reflect a credit balance, No refunds will be processed based upon anticipated aid. 
  • Student receiving Title IV funds must be enrolled at least half-time status during the applicable term
  • Personal check payments are encumbered for 10 calendar days
  • Online payments are encumbered for 7 calendar days
  • Student cannot be on the school sponsored payment plan
  • Payments by wire transfer will be refunded via the same method as the wire
  • Payments from third parties will be refunded to the originating source, not the student
  • Refunds will not be processed for any cash overpayment on the account unless the student requests it or has completely withdrawn or dropped units causing a credit balance. 

The direct deposit process allows refunds to be deposited directly into a student's checking or savings account of their choice. Depending on the banking institution, the refund should post within 1 to 3 business days. Direct deposit enables a student to have immediate access to funds without the 3 to 5 business day hold most financial institutions place on checks. The direct deposit refund process will run daily the first week after the add/drop period of each term/semester, and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday thereafter.

The refund policy is in compliance with Federal Regulation 34 CFR 668.164(e) which is located in the Federal Student Handbook.

If there is credit showing on a student's account after withdrawal is complete, a refund can be requested. Contact the Bursar's Office at 408-554-4424 or email, Attn: Bursar Office

Undergraduate Withdrawal Policy

  • Undergraduates must complete the appropriate forms obtained from the Drahmann Advising Center, Kenna Hall, room 101, or notify the University in writing. 

Students failing to notify the University, regardless of the reason, will be responsible for all tuition and fee charges shown on the account once the withdrawal is processed. Informing your Dean, academic department or your instructor does not constitute withdrawal.

The date on which written notification of withdrawal is received at the Office of the Registrar will be the effective date on which any refund of tuition will be determined, not the last date of attendance by the student. This policy also applies to incremental tuition, special course fees and lab fees.

The schedule below is for students who withdraw completely from the University. 

  • 100% tuition refund -During the First week of classes, less applicable fees (UG-less $250 registration cancellation fee) 
  •   50% tuition refund - During the Second week of the quarter
  •   25% tuition refund - During the Third week of the quarter

            No refunds after the third week

Undergrads: The above schedule does not apply to students who drop below half time and remain enrolled in the term. A full-time student who drops courses after the add/drop period will be considered a full time student for the remainder of the term for tuition assessment purposes. 

PLEASE NOTE - Withdrawing from the University may significantly affect your financial aid package. Your account will be adjusted accordingly and any federal aid may be returned to the government. If you have received a refund for these funds, you must reimburse Santa Clara University immediately.  For more information on financial aid forfeiture, please visit the Financial Aid website or make an appointment with your Financial Aid Counselor.

Graduate Withdrawal Policy

  • Graduates must contact their respective school's Records Office.

Students failing to notify the University, regardless of the reason, will be responsible for all tuition and fee charges shown on the account once the withdrawal is processed. Informing your Dean, academic department or your instructor does not constitute withdrawal.

The date on which written notification of withdrawal is received at your respective school's Records Office will be the effective date on which any refund of tuition will be determined, not the last date of attendance by the student. This policy also applies to incremental tuition, special course fees and lab fees. 

The schedule below is for graduate students who drop or withdraw completely from the University. 

  • 100% tuition refund -During the First week of classes, less applicable fees
  •   50% tuition refund - During the Second week of the quarter
  •   25% tuition refund - During the Third week of the quarter

            No refunds after the third week

Certain graduate programs do not follow the Bursar's refund policy. Please make sure to refer to your program's academic calendar. You can also contact your school's Record Office for additional information.

PLEASE NOTE - Withdrawing from the University may significantly affect your financial aid package. Your account will be adjusted accordingly and any federal aid may be returned to the government. If you have received a refund for these funds, you must reimburse Santa Clara University immediately.  For more information on financial aid forfeiture, please visit the Financial Aid website or make an appointment with your Financial Aid Counselor.

Jesuit School of Theology

The date on which a student formally withdraws or drops a class will be the effective date on which any refund of tuition will be determined, not the last date of attendance by the student. Students that fail to drop a course, even if they do not attend, or fail to notify the University of his/her intent to withdrawal, regardless of the reason, will be responsible to pay all tuition and fee charges reflecting on the account once the withdrawal/drop is processed. Informing your Dean, the academic department or your instructor does not constitute withdrawal.

  • 100 % tuition refund - Full time students who withdraw by the Friday of the second week of classes (less registration cancellation fee)
  • 50% tuition refund - Full time students who withdraw by the Friday of the fifth week of classes

    No refunds after the fifth week 

 PLEASE NOTE - Withdrawing from the University may significantly affect your financial aid package. Your account will be adjusted accordingly and any federal aid may be returned to the government. If you have received a refund for these funds, you must reimburse Santa Clara University immediately.  For more information on financial aid forfeiture, please visit or make an appointment with your Financial Aid Counselor.

Law School Withdrawal Policy

The date on which a student formally withdraws or drops a class will be the effective date on which any refund of tuition will be determined, not the last date of attendance by the student. Students that fail to drop a course, even if they do not attend, or fail to notify the University of his/her intent to withdrawal, regardless of the reason, will be responsible to pay all tuition and fee charges reflecting on the account once the withdrawal/drop is processed. Informing your Dean, academic department or your instructor does not constitute withdrawal. 

Withdrawal from school:

The following schedule is for full and part-time students who request to be withdrawn completely or are granted a leave of absence from the School of Law after the start of the semester. The start of the semester is considered to be the first date on which instruction begins in the School of Law. The following schedule does not apply to students who reduce their course load.

  • 100% - During the first week of the semester, less any applicable fees
  •   95% - During the second week of the semester, less any applicable fees
  •   40% - During the third week of the semester, less any applicable fees
  •   20% - During the fourth week of the semester, less any applicable fees

No refunds after the fourth week

All Law Students: 

PLEASE NOTE - Withdrawing from the University may significantly affect your financial aid package. Your account will be adjusted accordingly and any federal aid may be returned to the government. If you have received a refund for these funds, you must reimburse Santa Clara University immediately.  For more information on financial aid forfeiture, please contact the Law Financial Aid Office. 

  • Dropping Courses


Tuition status for a student is determined at the end of the late registration period, which ends on the Friday of the first week of the term. Students enrolled for 12 or more units by the end of this period are charged full-time quarterly tuition rate.

  • Students enrolled in fewer than 12 units by the end of this period are charged the per-unit rate for the enrolled classes.
  • Students who drop classes below full-time status or withdraw from the University by the end of the late registration period are eligible for a 100% tuition refund.

No tuition refunds will be issued after the first week of the term unless the student fully withdraws from the University within the withdrawal refund deadlines. 

PLEASE NOTE - Dropping courses or registering for less than 12 units may significantly affect your financial aid package. Your account will be adjusted accordingly and any federal aid may be returned to the government. If you have received a refund for these funds, you must reimburse Santa Clara University immediately.  For more information, please visit the Financial Aid website or make an appointment with your Financial Aid Counselor.

100% Tuition Refund - Students must drop their course(s) online by the end of day of the second class meeting. 
  50% Tuition Refund - Students must drop their course(s) online by the end of day of the third class meeting.
There will be no refunds after the third class meeting.

Please Note: All summer courses taught in an asynchronous manner are assigned a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday schedule for tuition refund purposes.


The following is the refund schedule for dropped courses during the regular school year. 

  • 100% - During the First week of classes (less fees)
  •   50% - During the Second week the quarter
  •   25% - During the Third week of the quarter

    No refunds after the third week
    Non-refundable Drop Fees and Late Registration Fees will be assessed the week before the terms begin. 

PLEASE NOTE - Dropping below half-time may significantly affect your financial aid package. Your account will be adjusted accordingly and any federal aid may be returned to the government. If you have received a refund for these funds, you must reimburse Santa Clara University immediately.  For more information, please visit the Financial Aid website or make an appointment with your Financial Aid Counselor.

Any association/course fees will not be refunded after the first week of school.  The registration fee is non-refundable once initial registration is made.

Certain graduate programs do not follow the Bursar's refund policy. Please make sure to refer to your program's academic calendar. You can also contact your school's Record Office for additional information.

Saturday/Sunday/Off Cycle courses:

Refund of tuition will be calculated according to the following schedule:

  • 100% if dropped by 5pm Tuesday after first scheduled class meeting.
  • Contact your school to drop Saturday/Sunday/Off Cycle courses.  These courses must be handled administratively. Students should NOT drop these courses themselves.

MBA 1 unit courses:

Refund of tuition will be calculated according to the following schedule:

  • 100% if dropped 2 business days prior to first class meeting 

100% Tuition Refund - Students must drop their course(s) online by the end of day of the second class meeting. 
  50% Tuition Refund - Students must drop their course(s) online by the end of day of the third class meeting.
There will be no refunds after the third class meeting.

Please Note: All summer courses taught in an asynchronous manner are assigned a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday schedule for tuition refund purposes.


The date on which a student drops a class will be the effective date on which any refund of tuition will be determined, not the last date of attendance. Students that fail to drop a course, even if they do not attend, or fail to notify the University of his/her intent to withdrawal, regardless of the reason, will be responsible to pay all tuition and fee charges. Informing your Dean, academic department or your instructor does not constitute withdrawal.  

  • 100% - During the first week of the semester, less any applicable fees.
  •   95% - During the second week of the semester, less any applicable fees.
  •   40% - During the third week of the semester, less any applicable fees.
  •   20% - During the fourth week of the semester, less any applicable fees.

    No refunds after the fourth week


The following refund schedule applies to students who formally drop or withdraw courses for the summer session: 

  • 100 % tuition refund -During the first week of classes, less any applicable fees
  • 50% tuition refund- During the second week of classes, less any applicable fees

    No tuition refunds after the second week of classes

Weekend/Off Cycle/Short-Term Courses

Students must provide the Law Student Services Office with a written request to drop these courses. To receive tuition refunds, these course drops must be handled administratively. Students should NOT drop these classes themselves through eCampus after the first week of the semester. Students should consult the schedule of classes for refund options for individual off cycle courses.

All Law Students: 

PLEASE NOTE - Dropping courses may significantly affect your financial aid package. Your account will be adjusted accordingly and any federal aid may be returned to the government. If you have received a refund for these funds, you must reimburse Santa Clara University immediately. For more information on aid forfeiture, please contact the Law Financial Aid Office.

Jesuit School of Theology

The date on which a student drops a class will be the effective date on which any refund of tuition will be determined, not the last date of attendance. Students that fail to drop a course, even if they do not attend, or fail to notify the University of his/her intent to withdrawal, regardless of the reason, will be responsible to pay all tuition and fee charges. Informing your Dean, academic department or your instructor does not constitute withdrawal.  

The following is the refund schedule for dropped courses, full-time and part-time students. 

  • 100% tuition refund - through the Friday of the second week of the semester
  • 50% - tuition refund - through the Friday of the fifth week of the semester

No refunds after the fifth week of the term.

PLEASE NOTE - Dropping courses may significantly affect your financial aid package. Your account will be adjusted accordingly and any federal aid may be returned to the government. If you have received a refund for these funds, you must reimburse Santa Clara University immediately. For more information on aid forfeiture, please contact the JST Financial Aid Office.