Graduate Transfer Credit

Graduate transfer credit may be granted if specific requirements are met. A maximum of two courses (up to 6 units) of graduate credit from another AACSB-accredited master’s program may be transferred for either required or elective courses if the course was:

  • Open to graduate students only
  • Completed by the student with the equivalent of a B or better grade
  • Course must be completed within 5 years
  • Part of an incomplete master’s degree program when taken no more than six years prior to application to the SCU master’s program AND is Considered by the Graduate Business Programs Office to be functionally equivalent to a course or combination of courses offered by Santa Clara’s master’s program.
  • Must provide a course description, official transcript, and syllabi of the course taken
  • Bootcamps, undergraduate level courses, and online courses (e.g., Coursera, Straighterline, Udacity, edX, or alike) are not accepted

Graduate transfer credit is granted on a course-by-course basis and is reviewed by the Faculty Director for approval. No credit will be given for coursework done elsewhere while in a SCU master’s program without prior approval. This restriction does not apply to students participating in the Jesuit Transfer Agreement (applicable only to MBA)

Students should submit their request and the appropriate documentations to the Graduate Business Programs Office at their respective delegated emails (,,,

Jesuit MBA Transfer Agreement

MBA Students who leave the Santa Clara area to pursue other work or personal opportunities may participate in the Jesuit MBA Transfer Agreement. Under this agreement, students who have completed 50 percent or more units of their MBA program at SCU may attend another AACSB-accredited MBA Program at one of the participating Jesuit schools and transfer units back to SCU to complete their degrees.

To begin this process, the student must schedule an appointment with the MBA Programs staff to review his/her academic history and discuss the participating school’s requirements. Provided the student is in good academic standing and has completed 50 percent or more of the degree requirements at SCU, the degree will be granted by Santa Clara University.

If a student has less than 50 percent of the units required to award an MBA degree at SCU, they may apply to a participating Jesuit school and transfer the units already earned at SCU to that institution. Under this agreement, the student transferring out of Santa Clara University is required to meet all application and admission criteria of the receiving school. Upon admission to the receiving school, students will be informed of which units will be transferred from SCU to the institution. The receiving school will award the degree. Note: This agreement does not apply to Online MBA.  For more information visit the Jesuit MBA website.