Graduate Business Programs

Statement of Purpose

Santa Clara University's Business School develops men and women with competence, conscience, and compassion who can provide leadership in technologically advanced and rapidly changing global environments. The development of competence is reflected in our commitment to teaching excellence and the scholarly research necessary to animate instruction and foster the creation of knowledge. The development of conscience is enhanced through an emphasis on reflective inquiry that is both professionally rigorous and ethically sound. Compassion is at the intersection of competence and conscience, and is fostered through an appreciation of multiple perspectives and recognition of the human being as part of every equation.

Mission Statement of the Graduate Business Programs Office

The Santa Clara University Graduate Business Programs team works to provide the LSB graduate community with an outstanding educational, co-curricular, and career-management experience.

MBA Programs Learning Objectives

MBA students at Santa Clara University learn to:

  • Understand the changing environment–social, economic, technological, legal, political, and cultural– within which firms operate and how the environment impacts business decisions and survival

  • Understand factors that influence and improve the performance of culturally diverse teams and organizations Gather, analyze, and interpret data in order to make better decisions

  • Address the organizational impacts of technology, rapid change, global integration, and a culturally diverse workforce Effectively communicate analyses and conclusions in support of a desired course of action

  • Be sensitive to the challenge of making ethical decisions and acting as a responsible corporate citizen where these imperatives may conflict with enhancing shareholder value

MS Programs Learning Objectives

See program specific chapters.

Professional Orientation

The MBA Program at Santa Clara University is designed specifically to meet the needs and concerns of working professionals. To allow students to pursue their MBA degrees while continuing their careers, all course work is completed in the evening. The curriculum blends instruction in theory with practical applications, enriched by faculty engaged in state-of-the- art research and students who deal daily with real-life organizational concerns.

Academic Standards

Santa Clara's MBA Program has a reputation for quality, providing both academic rigor and practical relevance. Admission standards are selective, as the courses are demanding and the expectations from both the faculty and fellow students are high, although the atmosphere is still collegial and not competitive. While the MBA degree is considered a final professional degree, we look to admit students focused on receiving an education, not simply a piece of paper, for their time and effort. Students should be prepared for an intensive course of study encompassing all the major functional and disciplinary areas and involving both quantitative and qualitative skills.


Santa Clara University was in the original group of MBA programs in 1961 accredited by AACSB International–the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The AACSB is the specialized accrediting organization that conducts periodic in-depth reviews of business schools to ensure that their curricula, faculty, and students meet the highest standards of excellence. Re-accredited in 201 6, Santa Clara's program has consistently met the high standards of the AACSB. Less than 5% of the world's 13,000 business programs have earned AACSB Accreditation. Santa Clara is also accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Such regional accreditation is a prerequisite for the specialized program accreditation provided by AACSB International.

Student Body

Approximately 700 students are enrolled in the MBA and M.S. Programs. Entering MBA students represent a variety of undergraduate and graduate fields of study. MBA students, on average, have 8.5 years of work experience at time of admission. The average grade point average of entering MBA students is 3.3, and the average GMAT score is 626. This blend of academic backgrounds and work experience provides opportunities for enhanced learning both in and out of the classroom.

Many of our MBA students are working professionals–people who work full time in local companies and take three to four courses each quarter. Students come from more than 500 organizations that comprise a list of Silicon Valley's most vibrant businesses.


Since 1961, more than 15,000 men and women have received their MBA or M.S. degrees from Santa Clara University. As one of the first MBA programs to be accredited by AACSB International, SCU's Leavey School of Business has been educating the next generation of leaders who shape our world for decades. Among our University alumni are more than 2,000 company presidents and senior corporate executives, many of them leaders in global technology companies. Our graduates have gone on to be leaders in Fortune 500 firms, start-up and early growth companies, as well as in family and non-profit organizations. The high regard for the Santa Clara MBA degree also is reflected in the number of Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay Area companies that have a relationship with the university.

The Business School's External and Alumni Relations team offer various events throughout the year. These events are designed to provide opportunities to connect with fellow alumni, faculty, and staff, as well as provide life-long learning forums. Leavey School of Business alumni are very involved in these networking events. They serve on information panels, welcome new alumni at commencement, host local reunions, share their stories with prospective students, and participate in coaching students through our professional institutes and clubs. For more information, visit our website.

Graduate Business alumni take advantage of other opportunities such as the Extended Edition Program, returning to campus to take classes on a space-available basis for a reduced tuition. A certificate of completion is issued in place of an official transcript. Click here for more information about alumni benefits.

Leavey School of Business Office of Alumni and External Relations is located in the Dean's suite in Lucas Hall.

Phone: 408-554-5297


What Sets Santa Clara Apart

  • Distinguished full-time faculty who are active scholars committed to excellence in teaching

  • Outstanding student body, most employed full-time at leading Silicon Valley firms, who are able to contribute to class discussion based on actual business experience

  • More than 450 years of Jesuit educational tradition, emphasizing analytical rigor and ethical inquiry

  • Strong alumni connections–more than 15,000 men and women have graduated from the program since 1961; more than 9,000 have remained in the Bay Area

  • Evening and weekend class schedules and office hours designed to meet the needs of working professionals

  • Stunningly beautiful and secure campus located in the heart of Silicon Valley–the most dynamic business region in the world

  • A rigorous AACSB-accredited program that provides a solid grounding in all the major functional areas, plus exposure to the best theory, tempered by the lessons of practical experience

  • Active advisory board consisting of distinguished CEOs and business leaders

  • An integrated curriculum designed for the general manager, with the opportunity to customize course selection to match individual needs and aspirations

  • State-of-the-art business school building featuring spacious classrooms, team project rooms, business service center, and videoconferencing capabilities throughout

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