School of Business Mission

The Mission Statement for the Leavey School of Business defines our values, our distinctive characteristics, our goals, and our motivation. The mission statement sets a standard for our activities that is consistent with our aspirations. It offers a way to differentiate the Santa Clara Business School experience, and it leaves open the opportunity for the development of new curriculum, new scholarly pursuits, and new programs that change our students and our community.

The Leavey School of Business is a community dedicated to innovative learning and scholarship. We find inspiration in Silicon Valley's entrepreneurial spirit, blending the intersection of business and education, to transform people, ideas, and organizations allowing students to apply what they are learning in real time. We are committed to a collaborative learning environment that develops leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion dedicated to the triple bottom line of people, profit and planet.

Strategic Priorities

In support of our mission, we establish three strategic priorities:

Build a rich academic foundation and transformative learning experience for our students

We will create a comprehensive and integrated experience that improves the opportunities for our students by enhancing their learning and preparation. Business students will emerge from Santa Clara University's School of Business with the insight and understanding needed to create and implement solutions to problems facing our organizations and our communities.

  • We will develop a rigorous curriculum that integrates basic knowledge and collaborative leadership to create value and prosperity.

  • We will provide meaningful global learning experiences for our undergraduate and graduate students.

  • We will develop programs that support entrepreneurship and the development of new ventures.

  • We will reinforce the importance of ethics and integrity in our curriculum and co-curriculum.

  • We will develop a holistic plan for student advising, student services, and career management.

  • We will provide internship opportunities for all of our students.

  • We will recruit students with high academic potential.

Increase the quality and prominence of our scholarship

By increasing the quality and prominence of Leavey School of Business scholarship, we create transformational ideas that impact the body of knowledge and the practice of business. Faculty in the Santa Clara University School of Business will be thought leaders who are active in blending theory and practice to address business problems and promote prosperity throughout the community.

  • We will increase the size of our Leavey Grants program and allocate more funding to research that has the greatest potential to enhance our reputation.

  • We will increase the allocation of faculty time to scholarly activities.

  • We will recruit established scholars in selected fields.

  • We will bring leading scholars to our campus to showcase our research and create meaningful opportunities for collaboration.

  • We will develop new ways for faculty and students to work with the community on important business problems.

  • We will create new research programs that build on the intellectual strengths of our faculty.

Create strong partnerships with the business community and our alumni

A key element in our ability to enhance the student experience, pursue leading scholarship, and create opportunities for our school is our relationship with our alumni and the business community. Santa Clara University's School of Business will be the center of a network of students, alumni, organizations, and communities that support the mission of the University and the School.

  • We will host forums at leading Silicon Valley businesses that highlight our academic strengths and alumni accomplishments.

  • We will integrate executive faculty into our curriculum, our co-curriculum, and our scholarship.

  • We will develop partnerships with alumni and Silicon Valley businesses that support our research, career management, and recruiting efforts.

  • We will celebrate the achievements of our most accomplished alumni.

  • We will provide life-long, continuing education opportunities for our alumni and the business community.

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