Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) provides networking, educational, and advisory services for members of the Santa Clara University community. It also drives the development of entrepreneurship curricula and assists students, faculty/staff, and alumni with the launch of new ventures.

The CIE connects with students through the Graduate Entrepreneurship Program, which features a variety of events at the curricular and co- curricular level, including a speaker series and Global Entrepreneurship Week activities, networking mixers, field trips and Silicon Valley event attendance opportunities. In addition, the CIE provides students with business plan review and coaching both on an ad-hoc basis and through its quarterly Office Hours for Entrepreneurs series.

With a distinguished advisory board that includes entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, venture attorneys and accountants, corporate executives, and the deans of the schools of business, engineering, law and the college of arts and sciences, the CIE engages students with Silicon Valley community leaders and startups through internship and mentor opportunities.

Interested students are encouraged to enroll in the CIE Entrepreneurship Program. For more information or to join the program mailing list, contact the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

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