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Violence Prevention Educators(VPEs)

The Violence Prevention Educators are a student-based sexual assault prevention, education, and bystander awareness organization at Santa Clara University, operating out of the SCU Wellness Center.

VPE History

Every two minutes, someone is sexually assaulted in the US, and 1-in-4-to-5 college-aged women are the victims of rape or attempted rape (US Dept of Justice). Students play an important role in preventing sexual assault on campus. The Program works toward prevention and early intervention of sexual assault at SCU by educating and bringing about awareness to the SCU community, empowering bystanders to take action to prevent sexual assault and violence, and working toward cultural change with a reduction in sexual and relationship violence.

VPE Mission

The Violence Prevention Educators are a peer-based organization aimed at spreading awareness and education about sexual assault at SCU and empowering the student body to be proactive bystanders to protect fellow Broncos. The VPEs aim to be a resource for those who are survivors of sexual assault for friends of survivors.

The Violence Prevention Educators participate in the following events at SCU:

  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month (observed in October)
  • The Clothesline Project
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month (observed in April)
  • Take Back the Night rally & march
  • Survivors Speak open mic
  • Residential Community/RLC presentations

The Violence Prevention Education program gives priority admittance to students who take PHSC 191: Violence Prevention, a 4-unit course offered in winter quarter. In this class, students will be trained extensively on topics related to Power-Based Personal Violence (PBPV) prevention and outreach, focusing on the areas of sexual assault, domestic/relationship violence, and stalking. Participants will learn how to facilitate interactive presentations to peers in classrooms and residence halls. Through multiple avenues of instruction, students will have the opportunity to be leaders who push the dialogue of PBPV into mainstream campus life. At the completion of the class, students will be among the most trained individuals on campus ready to end PBPV at SCU.

Click Here to Request a VPP Presentation!