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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Living Situations

flags of different countries

flags of different countries

Is an ethnic dorm the best choice for an entering freshman?

With his acceptance to his first-choice school, a medium-sized private university far from his hometown, Mo gets a package of information about his options for dorm living. He’s heard a lot about the various residential learning communities on campus, each of which focuses on a different theme. As an African American, Mo is interested in exploring his racial and cultural identity, so he’s drawn to the African American–themed dorm, United. But then he wonders whether living in United will limit his interactions with students from other communities. He doesn’t want to be defined entirely by being African American, but he also doesn’t want to feel isolated in a dorm where there may be no other African American students.

Should Mo choose the United dorm knowing it may allow him the best chance to explore his ethnic identity, or should he opt for another residence hall where the dorm’s theme may attract a wider variety of students?


A Framework for Ethical Decision Making

Why Does Diversity Matter in College Anyways?


Photo by Derek Severson available under Attribution- Non Commercial- No Derivs License.

