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Standards for the evaluation of faculty performance in scholarship or professional activity, teaching, and service are defined in Faculty Handbook 3.4.2 (tenure-track faculty) and 3.4A.1.1 (renewable-term faculty), and are further defined by faculty in each discipline:

Because the nature of teaching, scholarship or artistic creativity, and service differs in some respects among academic disciplines, the faculty of the college, schools, and division develop, adopt, and publish their respective clarifications of the three criteria. (3.4.2)


In 2013-2015, tenure-track faculty in all six schools began to develop disciplinary scholarship standards to guide internal evaluation, promotion, and tenure processes and to support external evaluators in the review of tenure and promotion cases. Some departments have begun to revise their standards (a process originally envisioned for 2020-21, but delayed by the pandemic).


In 2023, departments were asked to engage all faculty in the development of teaching effectiveness standards that would be piloted in 2023-25, with the goal of finalizing department teaching standards across the University by Fall 2026.


In February 2023, a task force appointed by the University Coordinating Committee recommended that departments develop service standards. Their recommendations are being reviewed by the Faculty Affairs Committee and will be widely consulted before a recommendation regarding service standards is made to the Provost (initial FAC response).


Approved standards for scholarship/creative activity, teaching, and service, along with approved pandemic riders and evaluation of online teaching statements, will soon be available from a Standards Repository, which will be linked to this page.