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Core Curriculum

Leading People, Organization & Social Change

Leading People, Organization & Social Change

Facilitator: Barry Posner, Management

Courses in this Pathway examine theories of leadership and cultivate the skills and competencies necessary to lead people and organizations to achieve social change. Students will be exposed to historical and current examples of leaders and their impact on the communities they serve. Students will also explore and research methods leaders use to inspire, initiate and accomplish change in various formal, social and community roles and settings. Throughout the experience, students will be challenged to think and reflect on the type of leader they believe they should become in order to achieve their goals while addressing the needs of the greater community.

Associated Courses

Business Administration
*BUSN         71         Foundations of Leadership (two units; effective 9/1/09)
*BUSN         72         Business Leadership Skills (two units; effective 9/1/09)
*BUSN         173       The Leadership Experience (effective 9/1/09)
BUSN           195A     Introduction to Global Fellows (two units; if this course is used towards the pathway, additional courses may be needed to reach the 12 or 16 unit minimum; effective 5/18/2015)
BUSN           195B     Reflecting on Global Fellowships (two units; if this course is used towards the pathway, additional courses may be needed to reach the 12 or 16 unit minimum; effective 4/12/2016)
*BUSN         196        Leadership Practicum (effective 9/1/09)

*COMM        119        Organizational Communication (effective 9/1/09)
*COMM        150        PR Theories & Practices (Students may include either COMM 150 or 152B in this Pathway but not both; effective 9/1/09)
*COMM        152B      Public Relations Strategies and Practices (Students may include either COMM 150 or 152B in this Pathway but not both; effective 9/1/09)

Ethnic Studies
ETHN           152​        Multi-Racial Identities (effective 6/10/16)
ETHN           171        Immigrant Communities (cross-listed with SOCI 180; effective 3/25/20)

Global Economics & Business
IBUS           420 900T     Intl Business & Trade Seminar I (American University Washington Semester Program)

GOVT          417-001T     Transforming Communities Seminar I (American University Washington Semester Program)

HIST         65          Parties and Presidents (effective 9/1/20)
HIST         84          United States Women's History (cross-listed with WGST 57; effective 9/1/09)
HIST         165        Parties and Presidents (effective 09/18/17) 
HIST         177        Gays and Lesbians in United States History (cross-listed with WGST 138; effective 9/1/09)
HIST         181        United States Women Since 1900 (effective 2/6/2012)
HIST         188S      The Making of Modern America: The Progressive Era (formerly HIST 188; effective 9/1/09)

International Studies
INTL          131        Sociology of Public Communication in El Salvador (effective 9/1/09)

*MGMT      71         Foundations of Leadership (two units; if this course is used towards the pathway, additional courses may be needed to reach the 12 or 16 unit minimum; effective 9/1/09)

Military Science
MILS          11          Leadership and Personal Development (cross-listed with MILS 21/131/141; effective 9/1/09)
MILS          21          Innovative Leadership (cross-listed with MILS 11/131/141; effective 9/1/09)
*MILS        131         Adaptive Team Leadership (cross-listed with MILS 21/11/141; effective 9/1/09)
*MILS        141         Developing Adaptive Leaders (cross-listed with MILS 21/11/131; effective 9/1/09)
MILS          176         US Military History (effective 9/1/09) 

PHYS          5            Physics and Technology for Future Leaders (effective 9/1/20)

Political Science
*POLI         136A       Political Structures and Processes El Salvador & Central America (effective 9/1/09)

SOCI          134         Globalization and Inequality (effective 1/1/2016)
SOCI          135         Gender and Social Change in Latin America (cross-listed with WGST 128; effective 9/1/09)
SOCI          148         Stakeholder Diversity Issues in Contemporary American Organizations (effective 9/1/09)
SOCI          149         Business, Technology and Society (effective 9/1/09)
SOCI          180         Immigrant Communities (cross-listed with ETHN 171; effective 3/25/20)

Gender and Sexuality Studies (GSS)
WGST         57           Women in American Society (cross-listed with HIST 84; effective 9/1/09)
WGST         128          Gender and Social Change in Latin America (cross-listed with SOCI 135; effective 9/1/09)
WGST         138          Gays and Lesbians in United States History (cross-listed with HIST 177; effective 9/1/09)
WGST         173          United States Women Since 1900 (cross-listed with HIST 181; effective 3/5/2010)

* Indicates Course Has Prerequisites