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Core Curriculum

Child Studies

Child Studies

Facilitator: Brett Solomon, Child Studies 

Courses in this Pathway will offer students the opportunity to learn about children from several disciplinary perspectives, to learn about the societal and cultural structures that provide the context for development such as the family and school, and to gain experience working with children in the community. Students may discover that the courses lead them on a pathway to vocation: as they become both more informed and more passionate about children, they will be attracted to professional fields that address the needs of children and families, such as teaching, counseling, social work, family law, public health, and pre-med. In sum, students who love children and want to work with them will have the opportunity for more in depth learning about the knowledge and personal commitment that are required for such a vocation.

Associated Courses

ANTH        157        Family, Kin & Culture (cross-listed with WGST 155; effective 9/1/09)

Child Studies
CHST         66          Movement Education (effective 9/1/09)
CHST         70          Community Health Education (formerly EDUC 70; effective 9/1/09)
CHST         75          Technology and Education (effective 9/1/09)
CHST         106        Urban Education and Multiculturalism (formerly EDUC 106; effective 9/1/09)
CHST         107        Child, Family & Community (effective 9/1/09)
CHST         108        Youth Family and Community Leadership and Advocacy (effective 9/1/09)
CHST         109        Children, Arts and Society (formerly Art Education; effective 9/1/09)
CHST         138        Exceptional Child (formerly EDUC 138; effective 9/1/09)
CHST         156        Advocacy for Children (effective 9/1/09)
CHST         160        Childrens Lit / Storytelling (effective 9/1/09)
CHST         184        Childrens Literacy and Diverse Learners (formerly EDUC 184 Introduction to the Teaching of Reading; effective 9/1/09)
*CHST       195        Senior Seminar: Child Studies (effective 9/1/09)
*CHST       197        Senior Seminar: Preteaching (effective 9/1/09)

CLAS        187        Family in Antiquity (cross-listed with HIST 113)

*COMM     154Y      Media and Youth (effective 9/1/09)

ENGL        160        Childrens Literature (effective 9/1/09)
ENGL        170        Writing for Children and Young Adults (effective 9/1/09)

Environmental Studies & Sciences
ENVS        131        Environmental Education (effective 9/1/09)

Ethnic Studies
ETHN        122        Chicana/Chicano Communities (effective 9/1/09)

HIST         113        Family in Antiquity (cross-listed with CLAS 187; effective 2/13/2013)
HIST         182        Sex and Family in American History (cross-listed with WGST 174; effective 9/1/09)

International Studies
INTL          139        Field Placement/Praxis (effective 9/1/09)

PSYC         134         Psychology of Education (effective 9/1/09)
*PSYC       172         Adolescent Development (effective 9/1/09)
*PSYC       178         Advanced Topics in Developmental Psychology (effective 9/1/09)
*PSYC       182         Psychology of Gender (effective 9/1/09)
*PSYC       184         Infancy (effective 9/1/19)
*PSYC       185         Developmental Psychology I (effective 9/1/09)
*PSYC       185EL      Developmental Psychology ELSJ (effective 9/1/09)

SOCI         157         Sociology of Family (cross-listed with WGST 182; effective 9/1/09)

Theatre and Dance
DANC         59          Teaching the Performing Arts (cross-listed with DANC 159; effective 9/1/09)
DANC         159        Teaching the Performing Arts (cross-listed with DANC 59; effective 9/1/09)

Gender and Sexuality Studies (GSS)
WGST        155         Family and Culture (cross-listed with ANTH 157; effective 9/1/09)
WGST        159         Family in Antiquity (cross-listed with CLAS 187 and HIST 113; effective 3/3/2010)
WGST        174         Sex and Family in American History (cross-listed with HIST 182; effective 9/1/09)
WGST        182         Sociology of Family (cross-listed with SOCI 157; effective 9/1/09)

* Indicates Course Has Prerequisites