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Core Curriculum


This page provides students with a comprehensive list of the courses that satisfy each Integrations requirement. 

Advanced Writing

Goals: Critical Thinking, Complexity, Communication

Learning Objectives Students will:

1.1   Read and write with a critical point of view that displays depth of thought and is mindful of the rhetorical situation of a specific discipline. (Critical Thinking, Complexity, Communication)
1.2   Compose texts that demonstrate intellectual and creative rigor, engagement, and clear purpose (Critical Thinking, Complexity, Communication)

Independently locate, deliberately select, and appropriately use and cite evidence that is ample, credible, and smoothly integrated into an intellectually honest text appropriate for a particular discipline. (Complexity, Communication, Information Literacy.

1.4   Demonstrate an understanding of their writing processes as modes of learning and intentionally manipulate those processes in response to diverse learning tasks. (Critical Thinking, Complexity; Meta-Goal: Intentional Learning)

ENGINEERING students must satisfy this requirement with ENGL 181.

BUSINESS students must satisfy this requirement with BUSN 179.

ARTS AND SCIENCES students select any course from this list.

Anthropology (ANTH)

114 Senior Project

149 Virtual Santa Clara, History and Culture

Art History (ARTH)

106 Art and Architecture of the Roman Republic and the Early Empire

112 The Art of the Book

120 Keeping up with the Medici: Fame and Family in Renaissance Florence

123 The Global Renaissance

165 Islamic Art in the Age of Empire

Biology (BIOL)

114AW Advanced Writing in Cell Biology L&L

142 Natural History of California L&L

Business (BUSN)

179 Communications in Business

Chemistry (CHEM)

103 Environmental Chemistry

112 Bioanalytical Chemistry

132 Polymer Chemistry

135 Chemical Catalysis

Child Studies (CHST)

100 Understanding Research in the Social Sciences

170 Writing in the Education Community

Classics (CLAS)

19/119 Greek Civilization

75 Classics in Cinema

83/183 Hercules! 

148 Classical Moral Crises

181 Classical Tragedy

Communication (COMM)

130 Global Screenwriting

161 Advanced Journalism

162 Multimedia Journalism

143 Cinema in the Age of Globalization

147 Ethnographic Writing in Music and Film

164 Reporting On Justice

165M Magazine Journalism

Dance (DANC)

67 Dance History

English (ENGL)

16 Introduction to Writing Studies

19 Business Writing

20 Introduction to Rhetoric

26 Introduction to Writing in STEM

28 Core Advanced Writing

28C Core Advanced Writing 

54 Shakespeare

55 Shakespeare and Film 

73 Life Writing

100 Writing in the Public Interest

100A Writing in the Public Interest: Archives, Museums & Memorials

100GR Writing in the Public Interest: Grants, Proposals, and Reports

100H Writing in the Public Interest

100V Writing in the Public Interest: Virtual Santa Clara

101 Professional Writing

103 Topics in Writing and Rhetoric

104 Teaching Writing

105/H Literacy Studies

107 Life Stories & Film

108 Writing in STEM

109 Information Culture and Information Society

111 Writing for Social Change 

112 Technical Writing and Communication

113EL Writing Center Theory & Practice ELSJ

115 Argumentation

115H Argumentation - Honors

120AM Film Studies

122AW Film, Gender, & Sexuality

128 Writing & Research in Literary and Cultural Studies

150 Contemporary Literature

153 In Memory of Toni Morrison

163 Literature and Performance

168 Women and Literature 

168PW Women Writers and Literature

175 Advanced Creative Nonfiction

179W Playwriting

181 Engineering Communications

Environmental Studies (ENVS)

142 Writing Natural History

143 Advanced Writing for the Environment

161 Water Security

Ethnic Studies (ETHN)

51 Introduction to the South Asian Experience in the US

131 In Memory of Toni Morrison

152 Multi-Racial Identities

185 Seminar in U.S. Politics

French (FREN)

103A (W)rites of Passage: Advanced Writing in French

120E Writing Beyond Walls: Prison Writing in Global Contexts

Gender and Sexuality Studies (GNSX)

106 Advanced Writing in Women's and Gender Studies

106A Gender, Race, and Resistance

134AW Film, Gender, & Sexuality

148 RSS: Gender & Sexuality in Biblical Interpretation

167 Women and Literature

167AW Women Writers and Literature

History (HIST)

101S Historical Writing

Honors Program (HNRS)

120AW Advanced Difficult Dialogues

Leadership, Excellence, and Academic Development (LEAD)

100AW Advanced Difficult Dialogues Seminar

Mathematics and Computer Science (MATH)

100 Writing in the Mathematical Sciences

Music (MUSC)

127 Ethnographic Writing in Music and Film

131 Music Writing and Research

Philosophy (PHIL)

19 Knowledge and Reality

Physics (PHYS)

151 Advanced Laboratory

Political Science (POLI)

150AW The Presidency

192AW Senior Seminar in Comparative Politics

193AW Senior Seminar in Political Philosophy

195DW Seminar in U.S. Politics 

Psychology (PSYC)

102 Writing in Psychology

Scripture and Tradition (SCTR)

158R Postcolonial Perspectives

165R RSS: Gender & Sexuality in Biblical Interpretation

Sociology (SOCI)

121 Research Practicum

122 Applied  Capstone

Theatre (THTR)

170 Playwriting

172 Literature and Performance

181 Classical Tragedy

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Experiential Learning for Social Justice

Goals: Social Justice, Civic Life, Perspective, Civic Engagement

Learning Objectives Students will:

1.1   Recognize the importance of life-long responsible citizenship and civic engagement in personal and/or professional activities in ways that benefit underserved populations.
1.2   Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the formal and informal knowledge, wisdom, and/or skills that individuals in these communities possess, showing awareness of own and at least one other perspective/worldview.
1.3   Recognize, analyze, and understand the social reality and injustices in contemporary society, including recognizing the relative privilege or marginalization of their own and other groups.

ELSJ courses require at least 16 hours of participation over the quarter in community-based learning (CBL) experiences off campus.  Visit the ELSJ homepage for more information about the ELSJ Core requirement and community-based learning placements.

Anthropology (ANTH)

3 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Arts (ARTS)

151 Exploring Society Through Photography

155 Photography on Location

159 Digital Storytelling Through the Visual Arts

Biology (BIOL)

188 STEM Education and Justice

Business (BUSN)

151A Food, Hunger, Poverty, Environment Immersion Preparation (formerly BUSN 151)

151B Food, Hunger, Poverty, & Environment Immersion (formerly BUSN 151)

151EL FHPE Immersion

183C LSB Community Fellows Seminar 

188 Field Studies: Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative

189 Ethics and Practice of Offers in Compromise

195EL Reflecting on Global Fellowships

Child Studies (CHST)

106 Urban Education & Multiculturalism (formerly EDUC & LBST 106)

Communication (COMM)

40EL Introduction to Journalism (cross-listed with ETHN 60)

107EL - Intercultural Communication

116 Intercultural Communication

116T Intercultural Competency

131D Short Documentary Production

141B - Advanced Journalism

161 Advanced Journalism

Dance (DANC)

59/159 Teaching the Performing Arts

69/169 Walk Across California

English (ENGL)

111 Writing for Social Change

113EL Writing Center Theory & Practice ELSJ

145EL Victorian Literature

150EL Contemporary Literature

154GL Global Environmental Literature

175EL Advanced Creative Nonfiction: ELSJ

176 Creative Writing & Social Justice

Engineering (ENGR)

111 STEM Outreach in the Community

169 The Role of Innovation in Social Entrepreneurship and Social Justice

Environmental Studies (ENVS)

131 Environmental Education

132 Social Stratification

155 Environmental & Food Justice

191EL Urban Agriculture Practicum

Ethnic Studies (ETHN)

60 Introduction to Journalism (cross-listed with COMM 40EL)

101 Youth & Critical Race Studies

150 Urban Education and Multiculturalism

156 Race, Gender and Environmental Justice

160 Documentary Making for Social Justice

161 Creating Diverse College- Going Communities

Experiential Learning for Social Justice (ELSJ)

9 ELSJ Milestone

22 Solidarity with the Community

23 Careers for the Common Good

30 Solidarity With the Community - Alpha RLC

31 Solidarity With the Community - Cura RLC

32 Solidarity With the Community - CyPhi RLC

33 Solidarity With the Community - DaVinci RLC

34 Solidarity With the Community - Modern Perspectives RLC

35 Solidarity with the Community - Magis RLC

36 Solidarity With the Community - Loyola RLC

37 Solidarity With the Community - Unity RLC

50 Law & Social Justice

51 Legal Pathways to Equity: Navigating the Intersection of Law and Social Justice

135 Research in Social Entrepreneurship

197 Special Topics

198 Applied Ethics Internship: Healthcare (formerly MARK 198)

French (FREN)

120E Writing Beyond Walls: Prison Writing in Global Contexts

Gender and Sexuality Studies (GNSX)

113 Gender, Race & Environmental Justice

Italian (ITAL)

10EL Introduction to Italian Language for Engineers

Leadership, Excellence, and Academic Development (LEAD)

10 Difficult Dialogues: Creating College-Going Communities

17 What are My Options? Exploring the Non-profit World

Management (MGMT)

8 Constructing a Nonprofit Organization

110 Global Microfinance for Entrepreneurial Development

132 Contemplative Leadership and Sustainable Practice

Mathematics & Computer Science (MATH)

MATH 195 Math Education and Social Justice

Music (MUSC)

133 Music and Community

Philosophy (PHIL)

31 Ethics and Marginalized Persons

41 Diversity & Disability

46 Social Justice and Sustainability

Political Science (POLI)

198EL Public Sector Study & Internship

Psychology (PSYC)

115EL Psychopathology

117EL Health Psychology

185EL Developmental Psychology

196EL Psychology of Aging

Public Health Science (PHSC)

21 Health and Aging

131 Community Health

134 Public Health Law & Policy

Religion and Society (RSOC)

99 Sociology of Religion

135 Architects of Solidarity

135R RSS: Architects of Solidarity

Scripture and Tradition (SCTR)

128 Human Suffering and Hope

Sociology (SOCI)

30 Self, Community, & Society

99 Sociology of Religion

109 Sociology of Education

132 Inequality and the American Dream (effective Fall 2023) 

148 Stakeholder Diversity in Contemporary American Organizations

165 Human Services

185 Sociological Research in Social Entrepreneurship

Spanish (SPAN)

21EL Intermediate Spanish I

22EL Intermediate Spanish II

23EL Intermediate Spanish III

170 Spanish & the Community

Studio Arts (ARTS)

151 Exploring Society through Photography

Theatre and Dance (THTR)

189 Social Justice and the Arts

Theology, Ethics, and Spirituality (TESP)

43 Catholic Social Thought

45 Christian Ethics

46 Faith, Justice, & Poverty

46H Faith,Justice and Poverty (Hnrs)

129 Religion and Peace

157 Ethics in the Health Professions

158 Immigration & Ethics

183 Ignatian Spirituality

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