- Arts
- Civic Engagement
- Cultures & Ideas 3
- Diversity: U.S. Perspectives
- Ethics
- Natural Science
- Science, Technology & Society
- Social Science
- Religion, Theology & Culture 2
- Religion, Theology & Culture 3
This page provides students with a comprehensive list of the courses that satisfy each Explorations requirement.
Goals: Arts & Humanities, Complexity, Communication, Collaboration
Learning Objectives Students will:
Objective Number | Objective Description |
1.1 | Learn and apply basic artistic techniques and aesthetic principles to create works of art. |
1.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of how artistic creation enables the expression of human ideals, challenges, and desires. |
1.3 | Reflect on and analyze works of art and the creative process, individually and collaboratively. |
ENGINEERING students will satisfy this requirement with ENGL 181 plus the Senior Design Project for their major or as below.
ARTS AND SCIENCES and BUSINESS students will complete a total of four quarter units, selecting from the following courses, some of which carry fewer than four units.
30 Basic Drawing
32 Two Dimensional Design
33 Three-Dimensional Design
35 Introduction to Graphic Arts: Basic Printmaking
36 Ditto! The Technology of Print
37 Introduction to Painterly Printmaking
43 Basic Painting
45 Basic Outdoor Painting - Landscapes
46 Basic Watercolor
48 Basic Mixed Media
50 Black and White Film and Darkroom Photography
57 Digital Photography
63 Basic Ceramic Sculpture
64 Basic Sculpture
70 Graphic Design: Typography
72 Digital Art and Design Basics
74 Basic Digital Imaging
75 Brand Identity: Basic Graphic Design
85 Interactive Immersive Art I
135 Intermediate Printmaking
143 Intermediate Painting
146 Watercolor II
148 Mixed Media II
150 Intermediate Film Photography
151 Exploring Society through Photography
155 Photography on Location
157 Digital Photography
159 Digital Storytelling Through the Visual Arts
163 Intermediate Ceramics
164 Intermediate Sculpture
173 Introduction to 3D Animation & Modeling/ Modeling & Control Rigid Body Dynamics
174 Intermediate Digital Imaging
175 Graphic Design II
179 Intro to Two-Dimensional Animation
109 Children, Arts, & Society
30 Introduction to Digital Film Making
131D Short Documentary Production
131F Short Fiction Production
142 Visual Cultural Communication
165 3D Animation & Modeling
40 Jazz Dance I
41 Jazz Dance II
42 Jazz Dance III
43 Ballet I
44 Ballet II
45 Ballet III
46 Modern/Contemporary Dance I
47 Modern/Contemporary Dance II
48 Modern/Contemporary Dance III
49 Dance Composition
50 Tap Dance I
51 Tap Dance II
52 Afro-Haitian Dance
55/155 Musical Theatre Dance Styles
59/159 Teaching the Performing Arts
69/169 Walk Across California
140 Ballet IV
141 Ballet V
142 Jazz Dance IV
143 Choreography
145 Jazz Dance V
146 Modern/Contemporary Dance IV
34 Historical Fiction & Literary Resistance
71 Fiction Writing
72 Poetry Writing
73 Life Writing
74 New Forms for Creative Writing
170 Writing for Children & Young Adults
171 Advanced Fiction Writing
173 Screenwriting
174 Writing Flash Fiction
176 Creative Writing & Social Justice
177 Writing Genre Fiction
1 Music Theory I
1A Musicianship I
2 Music Theory II
2A Musicianship II
8 Introduction to Listening: Western Music
9 Introduction to Listening: Electronic Music
30 Beginning Piano
34 Beginning Voice Class
36 Beginning Guitar
37 Beginning Composition Class
140 University Orchestra
142 Concert Choir
143 Chamber Singers
145 Jazz Ensemble
146 Jazz Combo
154 Wind Ensemble
115 Experimental Sound Design
156 Improvisation
157 Laptop Orchestra (SCLOrk)
35 The Ethics in Drama, the Drama in Ethics (cross-listed with THTR 60)
7 Improv
8 Acting for Nonmajors
10 Intro to Performance Collaboration
21 Voice I: Voice, Speech, & Presentation Skills
24 Intermediate Acting
30 Introduction to Design
31 Introduction to Production
32 Costume Construction
33 Stage Lighting
60 The Ethics in Drama, the Drama in Ethics (cross-listed with PHIL 35)
133 Scenic Design
134 Costume Design
173 Screenwriting
Civic Engagement
Goals: Civic Life, Collaboration, Civic Engagement, Communication
Learning Objectives Students will:
Objective Number | Objective Description |
1.1 | Critically evaluate and express reasoned opinions about the role of public organizations (governmental, nongovernmental, multilateral, or international) in civic life through both oral and written work. |
1.2 |
Analyze and evaluate civic issues by engaging in active and collaborative learning with peers and others through one or more of the following: (a) working cooperatively with other students in class; (b) actual observation and participation in the contemporary ramifications of various types of civic life or civic discourse; or (c) working with civic organizations beyond the walls of the University. |
BUSINESS students satisfy this requirement with MGMT 162 plus PHIL 26 or MGMT 6.
ENGINEERING students satisfy this requirement with ENGR 1 AND ENGR 1L plus a capstone course in their major, or with one of the courses listed below.
ARTS AND SCIENCES students select any course from this list.
151 Law & Society
154 Environmental Anthropology
155 Conflict Resolution
158 Applied Anthropology
105 Roman Art and Architecture
50 Law & Social Justice
4 Cultural Competence and Humility with Children and Families
86 Cultural Heritage and Collecting Antiquities
105 Roman Art and Architecture
108 Classical Greek History: Tyrants, Traitors, and Rebels
110 Roman Republic
113 Democracy Under Siege: Ancient Athens and Modern America
114 The Democratic City
186 Cultural Heritage and Collecting Antiquities
187 The Democratic Muse: Public Art in Athens and the United States
188 Classical Origins of Justice
116T Intercultural Competency
152 Media Advocacy
153 Dialogue and Deliberation
157 Environmental Communication
158 Community Organizing
166 News and Democracy
167 Communication Law
187 Media and Social Movements
59/159 Teaching the Performing Arts
110 Engineering Projects for the Community
65 Political Literature
105/H Literacy Studies
111 Writing for Social Change
145EL Victorian Literature
150EL Contemporary Literature
22 Introduction to Environmental Studies
122 Environmental Politics and Policy
134 Black Social Movements
137 African-American Pursuit of Freedom
156 Race, Gender, & Environmental Justice
165 Community Based Research Methods
50 Law & Social Justice
120E Writing Beyond Walls: Prison Writing in Global Contexts
173 Immigration, Race, & Identity in Contemporary France
76 Violence Against Women
101 Feminist Theory
113 Environmental Racism, Gender, & Justice
116 Visions of Abolition
117 Race, Gender, & Politics in the News
118 Women & Law
167AW Women in Literature (cross-listed with ENGL 168PW )
169 Gender, Race, & Citizenship
182 Sociology of Family
189 Sex, Law, and Social Justice: The Politics of Advocacy
21 Saving the World?: A Critical History of Human Rights and Humanitarianism
27/127 Digital History
30 The French Revolution, an Introduction
33 This is What Democracy Looks Like
39 Late Modern France & the World
43/143 The Haitian Revolution in World History and Memory
60/160 America's Immigrants
65 Parties and Presidents
68 Global 1968
70 The American Revolution
82B/182B Childhood in the US
85 Introduction to U.S. Environmental History
93 The Cold War
96A Intro History of the U.S. I
96B Intro History of the U.S. II
103 This is What Democracy Looks Like? Populism and Fascism in Comparative Perspective
108 Classical Greek History: Tyrants, Traitors, and Rebels
110 Roman Republic
115S Gender, Race, & Citizenship
118 Representation, Rights, & Democracy (1050–1792)
119 Gender, Sexuality & Social Movements in the 20th U.S
119 Ireland and the Diaspora
121 Saving the World?: A Critical History of Human Rights and Humanitarianism
122C Passions and Politics in Modern Germany
128 Victorian London
130A French Enlightenment & Revolutions in Global Context
130B Late Modern France & the World
131 War and Democracy: UK in WWI
132 Democracy: Ancient and Modern
139 Late Modern France & the World
155 African-American Pursuit of Freedom
165 Parties and Presidents
170 The American Revolution
171 The New Nation
176 Contemporary America: 1980 to the Present
184 American Historical Geography
186 History of California
188S The Progressive Era
139BF Community based Learning in Village Libraries
187/I Destination Italy: Immigration in Film & Literature
44 Free Speech, Hate Speech, and Civil Discourse
45 Civility and Democracy
185A University Ethics Bowl Team
185B Ethics Bowl Practicum
1 Introduction to U.S. Politics
116A Model UN: Research Prep
116B Model UN: International Conflict Simulation
119 The European Union
151 The Congress
157 U.S. Environmental Policy
171 Women & Law
198B Public Sector Study and Internship
2 The American Health System
21 Health and Aging
172 Management of Healthcare Organizations
30 Self, Community, & Society
122 Applied Capstone
132 Inequality and the American Dream
137 Social Change
157 Sociology of Family
161 Sociology of the Criminal Justice System
172 Management of Healthcare Organizations
198 Public Sociology
44 Censorship, Arts Fund Unions
66 People’s Theatre
74 Poetic Justice in Darwin World
163 Christianity & Politics
Cultures & Ideas 3
Goals: Global Cultures, Diversity, Critical Thinking, Perspective
Learning Objectives Students will:
Objective Number | Objective Description |
3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of Asian, African, Middle Eastern, Eastern European, and/or Latin American cultures in their global and/or diasporic contexts. |
3.2 | Identify, analyze and evaluate the challenges and complexities as cultures interact with and influence one another. |
BUSINESS students satisfy this requirement with MGMT 80 (Global and Cultural Environment of Business) when it is taken on the SCU campus. If study abroad credit is received for MGMT 80, students should choose another course to satisfy Cultures & Ideas 3 from the list below. ENGINEERING and ARTS AND SCIENCES students select any course from this list.
RECOMMENDATION: Enroll after completing Cultures & Ideas 1 and 2.
6 Screen Time: Culture, Film & Media in the 21st Century
50 World Geography
152 Political Anthropology
172 Anthropology of Aging
185 Peoples of Latin America
186 Mesoamerican Prehistory
188 Middle East: Culture & Change
137 Arab Language, Culture, and Identity
24 From Damascus to Dubai: A Survey of the Visual Culture of the Middle East
25 Indigenous Visions
26 Art! Making China Modern
28 Modern Indian Art
66 Fabricating Nature
70 Oceania: Arts and Culture
152 Arts of Ancient Mexico: From Olmec to Aztec
170 Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and Contemporary Art in the Global South
181 Animated Spaces: The Hindu Temple and it’s Global Forms
60 Introduction to Ancient Studies
61 Ancient Empires
109 The Hellenistic Age
117 Multicultural Folktales & Storytelling
143 Cinema in the Age of Globalization
181A Asian Popular Culture: Global Influence and Political Communication
183 Communication Development, and Social Change
184 Global Media and Postcolonial Identity
189 Communication, Identity, and Citizenship in Asia
125 Language of Love in Sinophone Films
126 Sinophone Pop Culture in a Global Context
128 Social Justice in Taiwan--Past, Present, and Future
68 Cultures on the Move
134 African Economic Development
161 The Beauty of Nature and the Nature of Beauty
161/177 Globalization and the Cultures of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ONLY this topic)
28C Core Advanced Writing
56 Global Literatures
120 Film Studies
151D Shakespeare: RaceB4Race
156 Global Literatures
156A Global Literatures: Postcolonial Lit & Theory
156B Global Literatures: African Literature
156C Global Literatures: Caribbean Lit
156D Global Literatures: South Asian literature
156H Global Literatures
157B South Asian Literature
50 World Geography
111 Francophone Studies: Caribbean to Vietnam
112 Human Rights in French Black Africa & the Caribbean
113 Black African/Caribbean Women Writers
114 Literatures & Cultures of the Maghreb
174 French & Francophone Novels & Films: Culture, Gender, Social Class
60 Women in African History
104 Beauty, Culture, & Society in a Global Age
120 Middle East: Gender & Sexuality
122 Global Gay & Lesbian Cultures
123 Black African/Caribbean Women Writers
124 Sex & Gender in the Era of High Imperialism
125 Women in Political Revolutions
126 Women in East Asia
128 Gender and Social Change in Latin America
135 Film, Gender and Globalization
172 Gender/Race/Class in 20th Century Europe
175 French & Francophone Novels & Films: Culture, Gender, Social Class
21/121 Saving The World? A Critical History of Human Rights and Humanitarianism
43/143 The Haitian Revolution in World History and Memory
48 China's Rise to Global Power: 1949-Present
54/154 Modern India and South Asia
56 Women in African History
61 Modern Mexico and its Cultural Diaspora
63 Mexican Migration to the US
64 Central America
67 Anticolonialism & Decolonization in the 20th Century
68A Histories of Migration, Border, and Citizenship in a Global Perspective
78 Commodities, Technologies, Conservation - Environmental Histories of Latin America
91 Africa in World History
92 History of East Asia
93 The Cold War
95 Modern Latin America
97 The Modern Middle East
102S Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide
104 World History until 1492
107 Spain & Morocco: Jews, Christians, & Muslims 700–1700
109 The Hellenistic Age
112 The Haitian Revolution in World History and Memory
116S Sex & Gender in the Era of High Imperialism
122 The Holocaust
129 Reproductive Justice
136 Gender/Race/Class in 20th Century Europe
137 The Soviet Experiment
138S Gender and Rights in the Modern Era
140/S Biography and Autobiography in the African Experience: Exploring African Lives and Writing
141 Politics & Development in Independent Africa
142 Modern Middle East & North Africa
143/S Women in Political Revolutions
144S Islam in Africa
145 Islam in the Modern World
146A Medieval & Early Modern Japan
146B Modern Japan in the World
146C Samurai Trouble: War and Peace in Japanese History
147A Premodern China in the World to AD 1600
147B Modern China in the World
150 Gender and Sexuality in East Asia
151 Imperialism in East Asia
154B Gender In The Global South
157 Black Migration in the World
161 Modern Mexico and its Cultural Diaspora
162 Argentina
163 Cuba & the Caribbean
164S Seminar: Catholic Church in Latin America
166 Latin America: Peoples, Empires, & Nations
167 Anticolonialism & Decolonization in the 20th Century
15A Italy, Getaway of Identities
103 Japanese Culinary Culture
80 Global & Cultural Environment of Business
7 Intro to Listening: Global Music
130 Anthropology of Music
136 The Music of Africa
139 Flamenco History and Performance
174 Uncertainty, Conflict & Self Development: Chinese Perspectives
175 Chinese Philosophy
176 Buddhist Philosophy
178 Arabic Philosophy
2 Introduction to Comparative Politics
126 International Organizations
137 Politics of South America
140 Politics in Less Developed Countries
145 Politics of Former Communist States
136 Religion in Latin America
134 Globalization & Inequality
135 Women and Social Change in Latin America
138 Populations of India, China, & the U.S.
112 Mexican Culture
137 Latin American Cultures & Civilizations
144 Contemporary Indigenous Cultures
147 Cinema, Politics, and Society of Latin America
149 U.S. Latino/a & Latin American Cinema
Diversity: U.S. Perspectives
Goals: Diversity, Perspective, Social Justice, Complexity
Learning Objectives Students will:
Objective Number | Objective Description |
1.1 |
Describe examples of diverse human experiences, identities, and cultures in the United States. |
1.2 | Identify and discuss concepts, theories, institutional or social structures, hierarchies, processes, or paradigms that lead to and perpetuate inequity and injustice. |
1.3 | Examine diversity as constituted through intersections of social categories such as race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, age, language, citizenship, religion, class, sexual orientation, physical ability, and so on. |
1.4 | Analyze differences in power and privilege related to race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, age, language, citizenship, religion, class, sexual orientation, or physical ability. |
Anthropology (ANTH)
143 Warriors, Wives and Women: Gender in Archaeology
146 Perspectives on the Spanish and Native American Experience
148 Historical Archaeology
149 Virtual SCU, History, & Culture
157 Family & Culture
170 Women, Gender, and Sexuality
189 1st Americans: US Archaeology
140 Photography in the United States
143 Women’s Work: American Women in the Visual Arts
144 Race, Gender, and Nation in 18th and 19th Century American Art
146 African American Art
147 American Art: Special Topics
185 Post-Modern & Contemporary Art
4 Cultural Competence and Humility with Children and Families
106 Urban Education and Multiculturalism
90/190 Mythical Marginalized Figures in US Culture
116 Intercultural Communication
116M Multicultural Family & Communication
140 Race, Gender & Film
140C Latinx Cinema
144 Diversity and the Media
62/162 African American Dance History
66/166 Women in Dance History
166 Race, Ethnicity, & Gender in the U.S. Economy
140 Diversity & Innovation in STEM
34 Historical Fiction & Literary Resistance
35 Introduction to African- American Literature
35G Introduction to African- American Literature
36 Introduction to Latinx Literature
37 Introduction to Native American Literature
38 Introduction to Asian- American Literature
39 Multicultural Literature of the U.S.
39G Multicultural Literature of the United States
67 U.S. LGBTQ Literature
68 Literature and Women
68A American Literature and Women
68G Global Literature and Women
68GL - Global Literature and Women
69 Literature by Women Writers of Color
69A Literature by American Women Writers of Color
69G Literature by Global Women Writers of Color
100H Writing in the Public Interest
100V Writing in the Public Interest: Virtual Santa Clara
122 Film, Gender, & Sexuality
122AW Film, Gender, & Sexuality
125 Feminist Literary and Cultural Theory
125H Feminist Literary and Cultural Theory - Honors
129 Black Theater
132 19th-Century American Literature
132G Studies in 19th-Century American Literature
135 African-American Literature
136 Latinx Literature and Cultural Studies
137 Native American Literature
138 Asian-American Literature
139G Topics in American Literature (cross-listed with GNSX 165)
152 LGBTQ Studies: U.S. Perspectives
153 In Memory of Toni Morrison
168 Women and Literature (cross-listed with GNSX 167)
168PW Women Writers and Literature
169 Women, Literature, and Theory
169A Women, Literature and Theory: Race, Sex and Gender
5 Intro to Study of Race & Ethnicity
10 Introduction to Native American Studies
11 Introduction to Native American Literature
13 Indigenous Horror: Film & Fiction
20 Intro to Chicana/o Studies
30 Intro to African American Studies
35 Introduction to African- American Literature
36 African-American Literature
40 Intro to Asian American Studies
41 Introduction to Asian- American Literature
50 Intro to Filipino Studies
51 Intro to the South Asian Experience in the U.S.
54A Intersectionality: Principles and Praxis
55 Racial and Ethnic Politics in the U.S.
59 Feminist Approaches to Disability Studies
65 Drama of Diversity
69 Literature by Women Writers of Color
70 Multicultural Literature of the United States
75 Iranian American Women Writers
80 Introduction to the Study of Muslim and Arab Americans in the US
81 Contemporary Literature from the MENA Diaspora
90 Historical Fiction & Literary Resistance
95 African American Independent Filmmakers
96 Race, Class, Culture through Film
101 Youth & Critical Race Studies
102 Decolonial Feminist Epistemologies
113 Indigenous/Native Americans of the US
120 Mexican Immigration to the U.S.
123 The Chicana/o Experience
124 Latinx Literature and Cultural Studies
125 Latinas/os in the United States
127 Race and Mass Incarceration
130 African American Literature
131 In Memory of Toni Morrison
132 The History of Hip Hop
133 Malcolm and Martin
134 Black Social Movements
135 African Americans in Postwar Film
136 Black Theater
138A Black Girl Magic
139 African American Psychology
141 Asian American Women
142 Asian American Communities
144 Asian Americans in the Media
145 Asian-American Literature
149 Civil Rights and Anti-Colonial Movements
151 Race, Class, and Gender in the United States
152 Multi-Racial Identities
153 Minority Politics in the U.S.
154 Women of Color in the U.S.
154A Intersectionality: Principles & Praxis
155 Racism in the United States
156 Race, Gender, & Environmental Justice
157 Race, Gender, Class, & the College Experience
160 Documentary Making for Social Justice
161 Creating Diverse College Going Community
162 Diversity and the Media
163 Multiracial Communities in Central California
164 Popular Music, Race and American Culture
165 Community Based Research Methods
167 Race and Inequality
171 Immigrant Communities
172 Whiteness Studies in the 21st century
174 Educational Inequality, Racism and Resistance
176 Race & Sex in Modern America
177 Gender, Race, Rights and Resistance
178 Race & World War II
184 Seminar-Women of Color in the US
185 Seminar in U.S. Politics
187 Youth Activism Contemporary Social Movement
188 Seminar-CivlRghtAntColnialMvmt
14 Introduction to African- American Literature
15 Literature by Women Writers of Color
25/125 Intersectionality: Principles & Praxis
34 U.S. Gay & Lesbian Literature
50 Intro to Women’s & Gender Studies
51 Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
52 Introduction to Transgender Studies
56 Literature and Women
57 Women in American Society
59 Feminist Approaches to Disability Studies
101 Feminist Theory
110 Native American Women Writers
111 Asian American Women
112 Women of Color in the U.S.
113 Environmental Racism, Gender, & Justice
114 Race, Gender, Class, & the College Experience
115 Race, Class, & Gender in the United States
118 Women & Law
119 Feminist Political Theory
131 Race, Class, Gender, and Public Health
132 Sociology of Gender
134 Film, Gender, & Sexuality
134AW Film, Gender, & Sexuality
136 LGBTQ Studies: U.S. Perspectives
138 Gays/Lesbians in U.S. History
139 Performing Identities: Staging Gender, Race, and Class
144 Women, Gender, and Sexuality
144A Gender, Race, Class and TV
155 Family, Kin, & Culture
156 Women in the Visual Arts
163 Feminist Literary and Cultural Theory
164 Studies in 19th-Century American Literature
165 Topics in American Literature (cross-listed with ENGL 139G)
166 Women, Literature, and Theory
167 Women and Literature (cross-listed with ENGL 168)
167AW Women Writers and Literature
173 United States Women since 1900
174 Sex and Family in American History
174A Race & Sex in Modern America
180 Women & Politics
187 Structural Racism: Race, Power and Resistance in the US
188 Gender and Justice
193 Gender, Race, Rights and Resistance
60/160 America’s Immigrants
72/172 Civil War Era
74/174 - Protest and Activism
75/175 Natives & Newcomers: Early North America
84 Women in American Society
96A Colonization, Revolution, and Civil War: The United States, Origins to 1877
96B Globalization, Reform, and War: The United States, 1877 to Present
105 Race & Sex in Modern America
119 Gender, Sexuality & Social Movements in the 20th U.S.
153 Civil Rights and Anti-Colonial Movements
156A African American History, 1300–1877
156B African American History, 1300–Present
158 United States 1877–1920
168 Malcolm and Martin
172 The Union in Crisis
177 Gays/Lesbians in U.S. History
178 Race & World War II
180 Native American History
181 United States Women since 1900
182 Sex and Family in American History
183 Whiteness Studies in the 21st century
185 African Americans in Postwar Film
186 California
187 The American West
188S The Making of Modern America: The Progressive Era
185 The Italian-American Experience
10 Difficult Dialogues
10 Introduction to Listening: Jazz
20 Music in American Cultures I
132 The History of Hip Hop
134 Pop Music, Race, & American Culture
196 Music Since 1945
41 Diversity & Disability
129 Feminist Political Theory
186 Philosophy of Race
55 Racial and Ethnic Politics in the U.S.
134 Race & Ethnicity in Politics of Developed States
153 Minority Politics in the U.S.
154 Women & Politics
171 Women & Law
174 Gender, Race, Rights and Resistance
195DW Seminar in U.S. Politics
182 Psychology of Gender
196 Psychology of Aging
125 Race, Class, Gender, and Public Health
187 Structural Racism: Race, Power and Resistance in the US
33 Social Problems in the U.S.
119 Sociological Theory
126 Intersectionality: Principles & Praxis
131 Sociology of Gender
143 Spirituality in Diversified Societies
150 Immigrant Businesses in the U.S.
153 Race, Class, & Gender in the United States
155 Children, Youth & Society
158 Sociology of Deviance
162 Gender and Justice
170 Body Politics
175 Race & Inequality
180 Immigrant Communities
176 Spanish and Latinos in the U.S.
65 Drama of Diversity
151 Fashion, Politics, & Issues of Gender
161 Black Theater
163 Theatre of Dissent: Social Movements, Migration, and Revolution in the Americas
167 Performing Identities: Staging Gender, Race, and Class
65 U.S. Hispanic Theology
Goals: Arts & Humanities, Critical Thinking, Complexity, Ethical Reasoning
Learning Objectives Students will:
Objective Number | Objective Description |
1.1 | Reason ethically by drawing on major ethical theories and traditions (e.g. virtue ethics, feminist ethics, deontological or consequentialist theories) as a means to normatively assess individual, professional, and institutional decisions, issues, or other matters of ethical significance. |
1.2 | Analyze, critically evaluate, and apply major ethical theories and traditions to significant personal, professional, and institutional, decisions, issues, or other matters of ethical significance. Students should be able to articulate some central ethical concepts, e.g., justice, happiness, the good, virtue, dignity, moral rights, and equality. |
1.3 | Demonstrate appreciation of nuance and ambiguity, as well as clarity and precision, in their thinking and writing about moral problems, concepts, and ideals. |
1.4 | Reflect on their own ethical decisions and actions; on their roles as morally responsible members of the human community; and on what it means to be a good person. |
BUSINESS students must satisfy this requirement with MGMT 6 or PHIL 26.
ENGINEERING and ARTS AND SCIENCES students may select any of the following courses.
*Note: Not all courses with the word “Ethics” in the title satisfy this requirement.
149 Ancient and Modern Ethics
19 Ethics in Technology
58 Ethics & Gender
116 Visions of Abolition
184 Feminism & Ethics
189 Sex, Law and Social Justice: The Politics of Advocacy
21 Introduction to Ethics
21B Introduction to Ethics in Chinese Philosophy
21BH Ethics in Chinese Philosophy: Honors
21C The Ethics of Care and Caring
22 Ethics in the Digital Age
23 Ethics & Gender
24 Ethics and Gender in Film
25 Ethics in Society
26 Ethics in Business
27 Ethics in Healthcare
28 Ethics in Politics
29 Ethics and the Environment
30 Ethics and the Law
31 Ethics and Marginalized Persons
32 Neuroethics
33 Ethics and Race
34 Ethics and Adulthood
35 The Ethics in Drama, the Drama in Ethics (cross-listed with THTR 60)
110 Classical Issues in Ethics
112 Ethics, Authenticity, Freedom, and Vocation
116 Environmental Ethics
117 Bioethics & the Law
118 Ethics & Constitutional Law
119 Ethics and Criminal Law
120 Feminism & Ethics
121 Political Philosophy and Ethics
127 Marx & Ethics
130 Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
7 Public Health and Ethics
127A Leadership4Good: Ethics and Social Justice in the Digital Age
60 The Ethics in Drama, the Drama in Ethics (cross-listed with PHIL 35)
159 Ethics of War & Peace
Natural Science
Goals: Scientific Inquiry, Complexity, Critical Thinking, Mathematical & Quantitative Reasoning
Learning Objectives Students will:
Objective Number | Objective Description |
1.1 | Demonstrate a basic understanding of the theory and concepts central to the study of a particular topic or discipline in the natural sciences. |
1.2 | Apply scientific reasoning and methods of inquiry, such as formulating testable hypotheses, identifying variables, or collecting experimental or observational data that explain phenomena in the natural world. |
1.3 | Interpret scientific data, qualitatively and quantitatively, in order to derive conclusions appropriate to the scope and quality of the data, attentive to concepts of probability, causation, and correlation. |
1.4 | Recognize limitations of evidence produced by experimental and observational methods. |
Anthropology (ANTH)
1 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
2 Introduction to Archeology
2 Human Health and Disease
3 Fitness Physiology
4 Light & Life
5 Endangered Ecosystems
6 Oceans: Biology, Ecology, & Sustainability
7 Exploring Animal Behavior
11 Microbes and Humanity
13 Human Biology
18 Exploring Biotechnology
19 Biology for Teachers
157 Environmental Biology in the Tropics
1 Chemistry in the Environment
5 Chemistry—An Experimental Science
11 General Chemistry I*
19 Chemistry for Teachers
* Although CHEM 11 fulfills the Core Natural Science requirement, this rigorous chemistry course is designed for science and engineering majors and students taking the required courses for healthcare careers.
5 My Environment
20 The Water Wars of California
21 Introduction to Applied Ecology L&L
23 Introduction to Earth Systems L&L
1 Hands-on Physics
2 Introduction to Astronomy— The Solar System
3 Introduction to Astronomy— The Universe
4 Physics of Dance
7 Physics of Music
9 Introduction to Earth Sciences
12 General Physics II
31 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
32 Physics for Scientists & Engineers II
33 Physics for Scientists & Engineers III
65 Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience
Religion, Theology, and Culture 2
Goals: Critical Thinking, Complexity, Religious Reflection
Learning Objectives Students will:
Objective Number | Objective Description |
2.1 | Analyze complex and diverse religious phenomena (such as architecture and art, music, ritual, scriptures, theological systems, and other cultural expressions of religious belief). |
2.2 |
Integrate and compare several different disciplinary approaches to a coherent set of religious phenomena. |
2.3 | Clarify and express beliefs through critical inquiry into the religious dimensions of human existence. |
Students choose one course from the list below.
*Note: The department recommends that RTC 2 be taken after the completion of 44 units.
PREREQUISITE: Religion, Theology, & Culture 1
150 Religion in Culture and Society
171 Qur’an as Literature
20 Sacred Treasures of the Ancient Mediterranean and Middle East
66 Fabricating Nature in East Asia
83 Dance of the Gods: Art in South Asia
12A Gods & Mortals (Engineering majors only)
23 Greek Myth through Introductory Ancient Greek
63 Ancient Eros: Sex and Religion in Ancient Greece
64 Sacred Treasures of the Ancient Mediterranean and Middle East
65 Classic Mythology
67 Ancient Greek Religion
68 Ancient Roman Religion
69 Early Christianity
175 Theology & Communication
179A The Internet, Faith, & Globalization
63 Introduction to Literature and Religion
141 Medieval Literature
161 Bible as Literature
162 Literature & Religion
143 Science, Religion, and the Limits of Knowledge
84 Spirituality and Sustainability
187 Religion and Culture in Modern France
21 Sex & Power - Gender In Hebrew Bible
44 Sex and Spirituality in Latinx Theologies
46 Gender in Early Christianity
47 Biblical Women and Power
48 Women in Christian Tradition
16 Ancient Greek Religion
17 Ancient Roman Religion
103 Jesuit History & Spirituality
117 State & Church in the Middle Ages, 1000–1450
120 The Crusades: Christian & Muslim Perspectives
126 Conflicts in Medieval Christianity
152 History of Christianity in China
189 Sacred Music and the Church
42 Faith and Reason
43 Religion and American Law
193 Psychology of Religion & Spirituality
21 Urban Religion
27 Faith and Resilience in Silicon Valley
33 Maya Spirituality
38 Religion & Culture: Africa
46 African Religions
51 Religion in America
52 Love, Death & Fiction
54 Comparative Religion & Social Theory
55 Imaging the Divine
56 The Meaning of Life
58 Shamanism & Spirit Possession
61 Atheism in America
64 Comparative Religion and Environmentalism
67 Film & Judaism
79 Religion and Animal Suffering
81 Islam
85 Hinduism
86 Buddhism
87 Buddhism & Film
88 Chinese Religions
90 Religious Experience
91 Native Spiritual Traditions
92 U.S. Latine Religious Experience
96 Latin American Theology
99 Sociology of Religion
90 Theories & Methods
26 Gender in Early Christianity
27 Digging up Jesus
28 Sex & Power- Gender In Hebrew Bible
30 New Testament
33 New Testament Narratives & Cinema: Ongoing Revelations
35 Science vs. The Bible— The Genesis Debates
39 Biblical Women and Power
45 Saints & Sages
48 Racializing Jesus
58 Covenant, Bondage and Migration: Torah Studies
65 Early Christianity
99 Sociology of Religion
109 Incarnating the Word: Theology and Theatre
21 The Planet and the Popes
26 Sustainable Theologies
27 Lovesickness in Christian Spirituality
33 Theologies of Creation
34 Mary and Guanyin: Catholicism and Buddhism
41 Theology of the Arts
42 Global Christianities
45 Christian Ethics
46 Faith, Justice, & Poverty
50 Catholic Theology: Foundations
52 Incarnating the Word: Theology and Theatre
56 Theological Investigation of Leadership
59 Sex and Spirituality in Latinx Theologies
60 Hispanic Popular Religion
65 U.S. Hispanic Theology
68 Creation and Creativity in the Self and in World Religions
69 Christian Social Ethics
71 Mysticism in Catholicism
72 Darwin, God, & the Poets
77 Encounters of Religion in & around America
78 East Asian Literature and Christianity
79 Women in Christian Tradition
81 Being Human
82 Witches, Saints, & Heretics
86 Spirituality and Engineering
88 Hope & Prophetic Politics
Religion, Theology, and Culture 3
Goals: Critical Thinking, Ethical Reasoning, Religious Reflection, Perspective
Learning Objectives Students will:
Objective Number | Objective Description |
3.1 | Identify diverse perspectives on and evaluate ethical implications of past or present issues of enduring relevance. |
3.2 | Evaluate and apply insights from the study of religion to open-ended issues facing societies, past or present. |
Students choose one course from the list below.
*Note: Religion, Theology, & Culture 3 only counts for the Core when it is taken after completing 88 units.
PREREQUISITE: Religion, Theology, & Culture 2
144 Heretics and Holy War
160 Chaos Theory, Metamathematics, & the Limits of Knowledge
152 Faith, Ethics, & Biodiversity
129 Faith & Philosophy: Latine Perspectives
166 Race and Religion in the United States
142 Women and Buddhism from U.S. Standpoints
145 Gender and Judaism
146 Religion, Gender & Globalization
148 Gender & Sexuality in Biblical Interpretation
149 Feminist Theologies
151 Women’s Theologies from the Margins
152 Mexican Popular Catholicism & Gender
184B Faith & Philosophy: Latine Perspectives
106 Zen in Theory & Practice
109 Women and Buddhism from U.S. Standpoints
111 Inventing Religion in America
113 Buddhism in America
114 Religion and Medicine in Healthcare
115 Tibetan Buddhism: A Cultural History
116 Religion & Ethnography
117 Is Scientology a Religion?
118 TikTok and the Taliban: Islam in the Digital Age
119 Media & Religion
121 Representing Religion in World Cinema
123 Religions at Silicon Valley
126 Sufi Islam/Christian Mysticism
129 Buddhism in the Digital Age
130 East Asian Buddhism
131 Tantra in Theory and Practice
132 Religion and the Anthropocene
133 Sufism
134 Religion and Secularism
135 Architects of Solidarity
136 Religion in Latin America
139 Mexican Pop Catholicism & Gender
140 Animals, the Environment, & World Religions
143 Religion and Mass Incarceration in the US
148 - Religion & U.S. Politics
148R RSS: Religion and Presidency
154 Jesus in Islam & Christianity
157 Religious Traditions & Contemporary Moral Issues
158 Religion in the Information Age
159 Longings for Immortality
161 Faith & Philosophy: Latine Perspectives
168 Gender and Judaism
170 Religion, Gender, & Globalization
174 Jewish Philosophy: Between Athens & Jerusalem
175 Mapping Living Religion
171 Religion and Nature
182 Shia Islam in the Contemporary World
184 Race and Religion in the United States
188 Religion & Violence
190 Islam: Reformation & Modernity
191 Religions of Colonized Peoples
194 Modern Religious Thought
190 Seminar in Interreligious Dialogue
100 Biblical Poetry and Ancient Myth
110 Gods, Heroes, & Monsters: Myth & the Bible
111 Bible & Ecology
112 Martyrdom
120 Masculinity and the Bible
124 The Bible and Migration
128 Human Suffering & Hope
132 Apocalypse Now
139 Bible in Contemporary Fiction & Film
148 From Babylon to Birmingham: Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible and Modern America
150 Warfare and Statecraft in the Hebrew Bible
154 Flooding the World
157 The Bible & Empire
158 Postcolonial Perspectives on the New Testament
165R RSS: Gender & Sexuality in Biblical Interpretation
168 The Character of God in the Hebrew Bible
170 Darwin & God
175 Wealth, Work, and the Gospel
103 Theology and Transhumanism
106 Christian Symbol & Ritual
108 Human Trafficking and Christian Ethics
109 Hispanic Spirituality: Guadalupe
110 Theologies of Freedom and Justice
113 Design Theory, Innovation, and Jesuit Principles
118 Clare of Assisi, Ignatius of Loyola
119 Theology, Sex, & Relationships
121 The Church & the Future
124 Theology of Marriage
129 Religion and Peace
130 Judaism and Political Philosophy
131 Feminist Theologies
131R RSS:Feminist Theologies
135 Theological Anthropology and Artificial Intelligence
137 Theology of Death
138 Contemporary Theology of Paul Tillich
141 Bioethics: Dignity and Justice
142 Conscience, Christianity and Politics
143 Theology & Ethics of Thomas Aquinas
144 Pope Francis & Future Church
150 Sacred Nature: Indigenous Relations with the Earth
153 Catholic Themes in Literature: C.S. Lewis
157 Ethics in Health Professions
159 Ethics of War & Peace
162 Spirituality, Trauma & Gender
163 Christianity & Politics
164 Religious Ethics in Business
165 Romero & the Salvadoran Martyrs
175 Women’s Theologies from the Margins
176 Nature, Humanity, Spirituality
179 The Devil and Demonization
180 Conflict & Common Good Ethics
183 Ignatian Spirituality
184 Jesus Across Cultures
185 Rahner: Foundations of Faith
187 Christ & Catholic Theology
190 Celtic Christianity
191 Theology, Science Fiction, Fantasy & Gaming
194 Interreligious Studies
196 Eros, Lovesickness and Religious Imagination
Science, Technology, and Society
Goals: Scientific Inquiry, Science & Technology, Critical Thinking, Complexity
Learning Objectives Students will:
Objective Number | Objective Description |
1.1 | Comprehend the relevant science and/or technology and explain how science and/or technology advance through the process of inquiry and experiment. |
1.2 | Analyze and evaluate the mutual influence between science and/or technology and society. |
ENGINEERING students satisfy this requirement through a combination of ENGR 1 and ENGR 1L OR ENGL 181 and a senior design project or with any of the courses listed below.
Most BUSINESS students satisfy this requirement with OMIS 34. However, business students who are considering a major in accounting should take ACTG 134 to satisfy this requirement. Business students who declare a major or a minor in management information systems will take OMIS 30 or OMIS 31, which will satisfy the information systems requirement in the business core, and should choose a course to satisfy Science, Technology, and Society from this list of approved courses.
ARTS AND SCIENCES students select any course from this list.
PHYSICS majors satisfy this requirement by taking both PHYS 103 and 192.
134 Accounting Information Systems
4 Vanished Peoples & Lost Civilizations
5 Biological Anthropology & Popular Culture
132 Paleoanthropology
133 Human Nutrition & Culture: A Biocultural Perspective
134 Health, Disease, & Culture
135 Human Development & Sexuality
136 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
137 Evolutionary Medicine
138 Biology and Poverty
140 Food, Culture, & Environment
145 Historical Ecology
147 The Archaeology of Complex Societies
189 North American Prehistory
197 Field Course in Primate Behavioral Ecology
36 Ditto! The Technology of Print
111 Introduction to Healthcare Innovation
109 Genetics & Society
117 Epidemiology L&L
135 Biofuels: Sustainable Energy for the Future?
142 Natural History of California L&L
153 Conservation Science
159 Plagues in the Age of Insects
171 Social & Ethical Dimensions of Biotechnology
150 Feeding the World
103 Environmental Chemistry
133 Medicinal Chemistry
134 Drug Synthesis and it's Impact on Society
75 Technology and Education
107 Scientists and Spartans
171 Ancient Science and Technology
173 Bath & Body Works
174 Eureka! Exploring the Body in Ancient Greece and Rome
12 Technology & Communication
50 Media and Technology Studies
113 Biology of Human Communication
114 Body Politics
149B Science News
185 Identity, Privacy, and Politics in the Digital Age
3 Introduction to Computing & Applications
10 Introduction to Computer Science
1 Introduction to Engineering AND 1L Introduction to Engineering Lab
60 Sustainable Electric Energy
121 BioInnovation I: Opportunity Identification and Concept Generation (only partially fills the requirement for Engineering students only)
122 BioInnovation II: Product Development Strategy and Prototyping (only partially fills the requirement for Engineering students only)
145 Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the Evolution of Silicon Valley
160 Nanotechnology & Society
25 Textual Editing
108 Writing in STEM
109 Information Culture & Information Society
110 New Media in Theory and Practice
112 Technical Writing and Communication
117 Artificial Intelligence and Writing
181 Engineering Communications (only partially fills the requirement for Engineering students only)
10 The Joy of Garbage
115 GIS in Environmental Studies
135 Biofuels: Sustainable Energy for the Future?
137 Historical Ecology
145 Environmental Technology
153 Conservation Science
158 Conservation Psychology
180 Energy and the Environment
185 Garbology
135 Research in Social Entrepreneurship
33 Human Sexuality
105A Body Politics
107A Science, Sex, and the Body
24/124 Global History of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
27/127 Public and Digital History
79/179 History of Technology: Steam to Cyborgs
79A/179A Technology, Labor, and Capitalism
86B Silicon Valley Histories
113 Seeing: Visual Culture and Technology
123 History of Plagues, Epidemics, and Infections
125 History of the Senses
20S Difficult Dialogues (Technology for Social Justice)
177 Managing with the Internet
Mechanical Engineering (MECH)
144 Smart Product Design
FREN 177 Technology, Science, and Society: From Romanticism to the Digital Age
ITAL 60 Science, Technology and Society: Global contributions of Italian Design
119 Music, Technology, & Society
1 Introduction to Neuroscience
34 Science, Information Technology, Business, & Society
40 Science, Technology, & Society
83 Neuroscience, Values, & Law
153 Philosophy of Science
165 Philosophical Issues in Virtual Reality
5 Physics and Technology for Future Leaders
8 Intro to Space Sciences
103 Analytical/Numerical Methods (only partially fills the requirement for Physics students only)
192 Physics and Society (only partially fills the requirement for Physics students only)
50 Ways of Knowing
1 Human Health & Disease
28 Human Sexuality
100 Introduction to Epidemiology
120 Technology, Innovation, & Public Health
49 Tech, Social Media, and Society
120 Quantitative Methods & Applied Stats
141 Climate Justice
149 Business, Technology, & Society
164 Collective Behavior
Social Science
Goals: Scientific Inquiry, Complexity, Critical Thinking, Mathematical & Quantitative Reasoning
Learning Objectives Students will:
Objective Number | Objective Description |
1.1 | Explain theories, concepts, and methods central to the study of a particular topic or discipline in the social sciences. |
1.2 | Apply scientific reasoning and methods of inquiry to examine phenomena in the social world. |
1.3 | Interpret and critically evaluate social scientific data, qualitatively and/or quantitatively, in order to derive conclusions appropriate to the discipline or social problems addressed in the course. |
BUSINESS students satisfy this requirement with ECON 1. ENGINEERING and ARTS AND SCIENCES students select any course from the following list.
2 Introduction to Archeology
3 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
160 The Global Coast: Adaptation, Risk, and Resilience on the Edge of the Sea
196 Archeological Method & Theory
100 Understanding Research in the Social Sciences
111 Roman Empire
172 Roman Studies: Rocks, Coins, & Pots
4 Approaches to Communication Research
1 Principles of Microeconomics
1E Principles of Microeconomics
2 Principles of Macroeconomics
129BF Economic Development
154A Intersectionality: Principles & Praxis
FREN 121E - Gender & Sexuality in Context: Global Approaches to Women’s & LGBTQ+ Rights
102 Feminist Methods
125 Intersectionality: Principles & Praxis
181 Inequality in the Economy & Workplace
107 Roman Studies: Rocks, Coins, & Pots
111 Roman Empire
2 Introduction to Comparative Politics
40 Politics of U.S. Economic Policies
99 Political Science Research
134 Race & Ethnicity in the Politics of Developed States
140 Politics in Less Developed Countries
143 Democracy & Democracy Building
145 Politics of Former Communist States
1 General Psychology I
2 General Psychology II
1 Principles of Sociology
35 Introduction to Research Design and Methods
60 Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship---Leading Sustainable Change
118 Qualitative Methods
121 Research Capstone
126 Intersectionality: Principles & Praxis
128 Religion, Science, and Technology
130 Design Thinking for Social Justice
136 Sociology of Sexualities
140 Urban Sociology
145 Popular Culture in the Era of Mass Imprisonment
152 Inequality in the Economy & Workplace
177 Bilingualism: Mind & Context