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Non-Tenure-Track Faculty
Contract Negotiations

Most non-tenure-track faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences, the Leavey School of Business, the School of Engineering, and the School of Education and Counseling Psychology at Santa Clara University are exclusively represented by the SEIU in matters related to their working conditions and employment terms.

This website will provide up-to-date information and resources regarding efforts to reach a fair contract. Please check back often.

Bargaining Team Members

Administration Bargaining Team Faculty Bargaining Team
Ed Ryan, Acting Provost Brian Buckley, Philosophy, College of Arts & Sciences
Kitty Murphy, Associate Provost for Faculty Personnel and Policy Maggie Levantovskaya, English, College of Arts & Sciences
Dennis Brown, External Legal Counsel Deirdre Frontczak, Management, Leavey School of Business
  Natalie Linnell, Mathematics & Computer Science, College of Arts & Sciences
  Patricia Cameron-Loyd, Economics, Leavey School of Business
  Seiko Fujii, Modern Languages & Literatures, College of Arts & Sciences, alternate 
  Nato Green, SEIU