Vice Provost for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness

In his position as Vice Provost for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness, Ed works with the Colleges and Schools on issues related to enrollment planning, faculty human resource planning, educational environment planning, strategic planning, and institutional effectiveness. He also supervises the Offices of Assessment, Institutional Research, and the Registrar, and serves as the Accreditation Liaison Officer to the WASC Senior College and University Commission.
Prior to his current appointment, Ed served as interim Dean for Academic Support Services and as Assistant Provost for Academic Affairs. As interim Dean, he worked with a team of University advisors to provide academic advising and support to 5,200 undergraduate students and to refashion the institution’s academic review process and tutoring program. As Assistant Provost for Academic Affairs, he worked with the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs on policy development and program planning.
Before joining the Provost’s office, Ed spent eight years on the UCLA campus as a program administrator, researcher, and teaching associate studying the needs of faculty, staff, and students. He conducted analyses and prepared reports on a range of issues related to financing, student retention, pedagogical innovation, interdisciplinary teaching, and educational partnerships.
Ryan has a B.S. degree in Political Science from Santa Clara University and both M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Education from UCLA.