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About the Provost

James M. Glaser

Provost and Executive Vice President

Jim M. Glaser

James M. Glaser joined Santa Clara University in July 2024 after serving over 33 years as a faculty member and 10 years as Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Tufts University. As the chief academic officer at SCU, he oversees a broad portfolio including the College and all the schools, two centers of distinction, libraries, academic support programs, student life and wellness programs, global engagement, and enrollment management. Working closely with President Sullivan, he strategizes about how to best move the institution forward as it pursues its critical educational mission and in its quest to be a place of significant knowledge creation.

Glaser received his B.A. from Stanford University and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. A noted scholar of electoral politics and American political behavior, he is the co-author (with Timothy J. Ryan) of Changing Minds, if Not Hearts: Political Remedies to Racial Issues (2013, University of Pennsylvania Press). His previous books, The Hand of the Past in Contemporary Southern Politics (2005, Yale University Press) and Race, Campaign Politics, and the Realignment in the South (1996, Yale University Press), each received the Southern Political Science Association’s V.O. Key Prize awarded to the year’s best book on Southern politics. Both books also were named as one of the year's “Outstanding Academic Titles” by Choice, a publishing unit of the Association of College & Research Libraries. He is presently at work on a book manuscript with Tufts colleagues Jeffrey M. Berry and Deborah J. Schildkraut on ideological differences in attitudes toward politics. His work also has appeared in journals such as American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics, British Journal of Political Science, and Political Science Quarterly, among others.

Read more about Provost Glaser in a January 2025 feature interview.

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500 El Camino Real
Walsh Administration Building
Santa Clara, California 95053-0460
Office: 408 554 4533
Fax: 408 551 6074
