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Phonebook FAQ

The SCU Phonebook provides contact information for SCU organizations, faculty, and staff.

Who can I find here?

The phonebook only contains information about current SCU Faculty and Staff. Students are NOT included.

How can I find them?

Use the main search bar at the top of the page to begin. If you are looking for a person and know their name, start typing their first or last name and suggestions will be given. You can also search for organizations by starting to type the name. You can even include job position titles or locations in your search.

Why is some information blurred out?

Faculty and Staff in the phonebook may elect to only show certain pieces of information (such as email, phone, or location) to known SCU users. As such, a login is required to view this information. If you see blurred text and you are a current SCU account holder, click the orange link in the top right titled "Switch to SCU-Only view" or hover over the information that is blurred to see a "Login to view" link. Once you log in you will be able to see the information.

How can I print the phonebook?

In keeping with SCU's goal of sustainability, we strongly urge you to consider the environment before you print out the entire phonebook. The information in the phonebook is constantly changing, so the web is the best place to look for up to date information. If you must have a printed copy, click the "Print" link in the top menu and use your browser's "Print" features. The page will be automatically re-styled to remove images for printing.

I work at SCU - how can I edit the information in the phonebook?

If you are a current SCU Faculty or Staff member, you can edit your own profile information and display preferences through the login portal, at

Certain users will have been given elevated permissions to edit other people's information, as well as organization contact information. These "Phonebook Representives" or "Moderators" can edit information in the Moderator Application

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