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Justin   Boren

Justin P Boren

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B.A., Speech Communication, California State University at Long Beach (2002)

M.A., Communication, California State University at Long Beach (2005)

Ph.D., Communication, The Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, Arizona State University (2010)

Justin Boren's scholarship focuses on the way that social support networks impact the experience of co-worker stress. He also studies work/life balance, organizational culture, psychological and physiological stress, and employee relationships.

He developed a unique concept in organizational communication called "Communicatively Restricted Organizational Stress" (CROS), which is defined as an employee's perceived inability to communicate about a particular stressor. His work has linked CROS to specific health-related outcomes and he is currently developing an intervention technique to reduce employee stress in high CROS organizations.

He teaches courses in organizational & interpersonal communication, quantitative research methods, conflict management and negotiation, training and development, and the biology of human communication.

Boren is a member of the American Psychological AssociationSociety for Industrial and Organizational PsychologyWestern States Communication Association, and the National Communication Association. He is also a County of Santa Clara Commissioner, where he serves as vice chair of the County of Santa Clara's Human Rights Commission.

Twitter: jborenSCU


Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (COMM 1)
Quantitative Research Methods (COMM 110)
Organizational Communication (COMM 151)
Communication Training & Development (COMM 153)
Conflict Management, Mediation, and Negotiation (COMM 159)
The Biology of Human Communication (COMM 176)
Communication and Leadership (COMM 177)
Senior Thesis in Organizational Communication (COMM 197)

Associate Professor

Communication Department
Phone 408-551-7057
Location Vari Hall, 217
Contact Justin Boren
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