We're thrilled to welcome you to the Santa Clara community and are eager to be part of your student's college journey at SCU! We recognize that this period is filled with exciting discoveries and personal growth. Our main goal is to support you and your students as they navigate this crucial phase of life.
We believe family involvement is critical to your student's success in college. Our goal is to keep you informed and connected, and we invite you to partner with us in your student's journey! Our commitment is to create a campus that feels like a "home away from home" by providing a comprehensive array of services and resources. Please feel free to reach out to our office with any questions or concerns you may have. We're here to help!

You’re likely supporting your son or daughter in their college search at this stage. While this process can be both exciting and challenging, we’re here to assist you along the way.

Congratulations on guiding your child through the college process! You both should be proud. Exciting times await as they begin this new chapter at Santa Clara University.

College years offer exciting rewards and fresh challenges as you support your child's journey. Each student’s experience is unique, making this time full of new opportunities and growth.

It’s hard to believe your child is a senior already. This year will be full of activity and emotions. We’ll keep you informed as you help them prepare for graduation.