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Supporting Basic Needs

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Basic Needs program at Santa Clara University.

The Basic Needs program is a donor-funded effort. Through the generous support of donors and the SCU community, the program has been able to support over students to date! There are several opportunities to support the Basic Needs program, including: 

  • Cash Donations: Donate directly to our program on the Santa Clara website here.
  • Donated items: You can drop off non-perishable items, shelf-stable food, and toiletries at the Office of Student Life in Benson, Room 205. Most needed items include rice, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, canned vegetables, microwavable meals (vegetarian friendly), granola bars, dishwashing sponges and dish soap, paper towels, and toilet paper. We, unfortunately, cannot accept homemade items.
  • Amazon Wish List:  Donations can also be made via an Amazon Wish List. Please search "SCU Students: Food Insecurity at SCU" for the public wish list of items or follow this link. Please select "Food Insecurity SCU", 500 El Camino Real", as the mailing address.  
  • Bronco Food Pantry Volunteering
  • Donation Drives: If you would like to host a  drive to collect items for the pantry, please contact the Office of Student Life. Please reach out at least four weeks prior to the planned date of the drive.
  • Gift cards (Target or Safeway): E-gift cards can be sent to and will be distributed to students directly. Cards loaded with amounts of $25 and $50 are preferred. Physical gift cards can be dropped off or mailed to the Office of Student Life in Benson, Room 205
Mailing Address:
Basic Needs Program
Office of Student Life
Benson 205
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053