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Emergency Resources

The University will make every attempt to notify the entire campus community about emergencies and imminent dangers. However, it is recommended that students are also aware of what to do in case of an emergency or dangerous situation.

Emergency Planning

Student Life provides online resources to help students be proactive about preparing themselves to live comfortably and safely on and off campus. Resources are for incidences such as personal injury, weather, earthquake, fire, power outage, and active shooter.

Emergency Planning

Campus Safety Services maintains safety, security, and peace on campus through services that aim to fulfill key objectives of empathy, responsiveness, assurance, representation, and reliability.

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The Environment, Health & Safety Department assists other University departments with being aware of and meeting campus, local, state, and federal regulations pertaining to the environment, health, and safety so that the campus is a safe place to live, learn, and work.

Environment, Health and Safety

A significant role of the Risk Management Office is to identify areas of risk for all aspects of University life and develop plans and procedures to reduce (if not eliminate) the impact of these risks on students, faculty, and staff.

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SCU EMS is a group of Santa Clara students who are EMT-B certified. Supervised by the Cowell Center, these students are dedicated to the health and well being of the Santa Clara community by providing quality medical care and emergency medicine to students at night when the Student Health Center is closed.

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In addition to Student Life and its departments, there are several other offices on campus that ensure the safety of all University members, especially students. These offices oversee daily safety as well as safety for specific programs including those by student organizations.