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MyOwnBusiness Institute

Lynda Starr Music

Lynda Starr Logo

Lynda Starr Logo

Gifted Songstress and Performer in Brooklyn Pivots to Digital Media, Bringing Her Artistic Talents to Podcast Sound Design in a New Business


Classically trained vocalist and songwriter Lynda Starr, born Youdlyn Moreau, began singing at the age of three and writing songs at age eight. Her passion for creating and performing music is fueled by building emotional connections with her audiences. She started Lynda Starr Music in 2017, providing songwriting and performance services as a freelance artist residing in Brooklyn, NY. Then in 2020, Lynda recognized an emerging market need within the podcast industry that was a great fit for her talents, experience, and passion for connecting with audiences. Lynda took MOBI’s Starting a Business course and added new services to her portfolio. Now Lynda Starr Music is a one-stop shop for custom theme songs and sound design that includes vocal tracking, instrumentation, and custom songwriting (toplining) for each podcast. Lynda shares her story with MOBI below.

How it got started:  I began freelancing in 2017 while in between jobs, using platforms like Fiverr to market my business and find jobs. Once the pandemic hit in 2020 and I noticed there was a need within the podcast space for sound services and expertise. I made a pivot towards making sound design a passion to serve other creatives. I help them find their voice by using more of my time and musical talents in providing my services. Hearing the satisfaction from my clients when they feel my theme song aligns with their vision for their podcast and projects has fueled my purpose.

How the My Own Business course(s) helped:  The MOBI Starting a Business course has helped my business tremendously because it provided me with tools and clarity as far as what I needed on the business side. I learned so much about the essentials necessary for me to run my business as efficiently as possible, from calculating projected cash flow to developing a business plan, even if you already have a business! I also learned about different marketing and advertising strategies I could use as a home-based freelancer.

What’s Next?  As posted on her website, Lynda recently won the grand prize of performing at the 2023 Essence Festival at Caesars Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is an advocate for mental health, self-love, and well-being, and she is determined to empower, educate, heal, and inspire her community and the world through music. She is excited to pursue her mission through Lynda Starr Music, lending her talents to podcasts, songwriting, performances, and more.


To learn more about Lynda and her business visit her posting on Fiverr or her Instagram account lnydastarrmusic.

MOBI Success
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