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MyOwnBusiness Institute

Starting a Business

Image of business owner holding open sign

Starting a business is an act of hope and optimism. The MOBI Starting a Business course is designed to give you all the knowledge and skills you need to choose, plan, and launch a new business.

After you learn how to select the best business for you, we show you how to formalize, finance, organize, and market your new business. In addition, Starting a Business includes special sessions on controlling risk, selling, accounting, and making ethical decisions.

There are 15 sessions, or topics, that you can pursue at your own pace, with step-by-step information and the essentials you need to know to start your business. This course will also teach you how to write a business plan, and it includes MOBI’s free downloadable Business Plan Template. Let’s get started!

Students of the Starting a Business course have the opportunity to earn a Certificate of Completion and Digital Badge from MOBI and Santa Clara University by meeting the course requirements: passing the final exam with a score of 80% or higher and submitting the Student Survey at the end of the course.

Preview the sessions included in the Starting a Business course: 

(▶️) Denotes sessions available in MOBI On Demand video format. Visit session page to view video.

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