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Academic Technology

AV/Media equipment, resources and services

A variety of media / technology resources are available to support classes, meetings and campus events.

Panopto video streaming and recording, Zoom web conferencing, Media presentation systems, digital cameras, laptops, dvd/vhs decks, digital audio recorders, sound systems, and more... are all available for class and campus use.

Contact Media Services at 408-554-4520,, or visit our office on the first floor of Learning Commons.

Projector, laptop, microphone, and two large speakers for checkout equipment.

Digital audio recorders
Digital video and still cameras
Video playback - DVD/VHS decks
USB Web cam and microphone for web conferencing/Zoom

Some equipment may require faculty/advisor approval for student checkout:
Sound systems
Video recording and streaming

Equipment Delivery

Equipment can be delivered to a classroom, conference room, or event space - please order from Media Services online or by contacting Media Services. If you are unfamiliar with the operation of the equipment, please arrange for one-on-one instruction either at the time of setup or prior to the event date.

We accommodate last-minute requests subject to equipment availability, although previously scheduled requests have priority for delivery and setup. Please note that equipment availability is limited and reservations are made on a first-come, first-serve basis - early requests will prevent disappointment! If you are unable to use services that you have scheduled, cancellation prior to setup is appreciated.

Equipment Check-out

Students, faculty and staff may check out equipment for instructional, administrative, or extra-curricular activities. 

Students may need faculty or advisor verification when checking out projectors, cameras, and sound systems. Forms are available in Academic Technology (or a handwritten note from the instructor will do). We try to limit camera checkout to 2 days. Checkout is subject to equipment availability. High demand does not allow for personal use of equipment.

Persons using equipment are responsible for exercising care to protect items from theft, loss, or damage, and to return equipment as scheduled. Individuals checking out equipment assume full liability for lost or broken equipment.

Zoom logo

Zoom is SCU's enterprise web conferencing tool for meetings, collaboration, or to bring a guest speaker into the classroom.

Any faculty, staff, or student may sign in at with Google, using a valid SCU Network ID and password to use the service. You can make Zoom calls with non-SCU people; just send them an invite.

Using built-in ceiling microphones and cameras, faculty can easily record classroom lectures and presentations to make them available to students for review. Using a laptop or classroom desktop, faculty can record their daily classroom presentations (voice, PowerPoint, web links, spreadsheets, etc.) or student presentations. The files are published and made accessible to students for later review through links in Camino. Students can navigate through the individual recordings to review specific topics.
Rooms with built-in Panopto recorders also have the capability of doing livestreams.
See more information on Panopto Lecture Capture System.

Note: Rooms with built-in Panopto recorders also have the capabilities to stream live events.

Live streaming of campus events using in-room Panopto recorder is available with at least 3 days notice.

Depending on the event location, there may be a cost to hire a videographer or full video production crew, which typically requires at least 2 weeks advance notice to secure staffing.

For more information, please contact Media Services.

DSLR camera above a digital video camera, both black in color.

Handheld video and still cameras, and tripods, are available for setup to record classes or events, and for checkout.

Faculty, staff, and students may check out cameras for instructional, administrative, or extra-curricular activities. Checkout is subject to equipment availability. High demand does not allow for personal use of equipment.

Students need faculty or advisor verification when checking out video camcorders. Forms are available in Academic Technology (or an email or handwritten note from the instructor will do). We try to limit camera checkout to 2 days, due to high demand.

Persons using equipment are responsible for exercising care to protect items from theft, loss, or damage, and to return equipment as scheduled. Individuals checking out equipment assume full liability for lost or broken equipment.

For more information, please contact Media Services.

If you are looking for an audience response system for regular classroom use with advanced grading and data collection, please contact to learn more about the use of Poll Everywhere.

Rows of red chairs in an empty lecture hall.

Videos can be played in a variety of venues throughout the campus, including classrooms and event spaces.

The Harrington Learning Commons is home to two Viewing Rooms seating 30 and 60 people for video playback.

To schedule a Viewing Room in the Learning Commons, please contact Media Services.

Note: Viewing Spaces availability will be based on a combination of the Library and Media Services' hours of operation.

What the Law Says:

The Federal Copyright Act (Title 17, United States Code, Public Law 94-553, 90 Stat. 2541) governs how copyrighted materials, such as movies, may be utilized publicly. Neither the rental nor the purchase or lending of a videocassette or DVD carries with it the right to exhibit such a movie publicly outside the home, unless the proper rights have been obtained or the video is being used in face-to-face instruction (see below).

This legal copyright compliance requirement applies to universities (H.R. Rep. No. 94-1476, 94th Congress, 2d Sess.) regardless of whether an admission fee is charged, or whether the university is non-profit. The movie studios who own the copyrights, and their agents (e.g. Swank Motion Pictures), are the only parties who are authorized to license universities the right to publicly exhibit copyrighted movies. Copyrighted movies borrowed from libraries, personal collections, video stores, etc. cannot be used legally for showings on campus without proper licensing.


What Defines a Public Performance?

Title 17, Section 101 of U.S. Code outlines that showing a work publicly means to perform or display it at a place open to the public or at any place where a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its social acquaintances is gathered. Showing a movie on campus, including in residence hall lobbies, lounges, or hallways would be considered a public performance and requires a license to be legal.


The Educational Exemption:

Face-to-face instruction qualifies as an educational exemption when a legitimate copy of a video, which applies to the purpose of the course, is shown by an instructor or student in an instructional setting. Attendance is limited to instructors, students, and guest lecturers.

The use of copyrighted materials for instructional purposes in the classroom does not nullify Federal Copyright Law. If the materials are copyrighted by Santa Clara University, permission for duplication should be obtained from the department or administrative unit that produced the program.

For more information on copyright issues, click on the links below.

Guide to Understanding Copyright and Educational Fair Use

Copyright Compliance

Media Services adheres to all federal copyright laws. Duplication of copyrighted materials, including those recorded off-air, is prohibited without explicit written permission from the copyright holder.

  • Responsibility of the Requester: The individual requesting duplication bears the responsibility of obtaining and providing proof of permission to duplicate copyrighted works. This proof must be in the form of a written statement from the copyright holder granting duplication rights.
  • Copyright Ownership: If the copyrighted material is owned by Santa Clara University, permission for duplication must be obtained from the department or administrative unit that produced the program.
  • Public Domain Misconceptions:
    • The absence of a copyright notice does not automatically place a work in the public domain.
    • Prerecorded videocassettes of public domain programs rented from a store are copyrighted by the distributor and may not be duplicated without written authorization.

Duplication of Original and Personal Materials

Media Services provides duplication services for original or personal materials created by SCU faculty, staff, and students.

Digitization Services

Media Services offers a range of digitization services to convert analog and digital media into various formats. However, it is crucial to understand that digitization does not alter the copyright status of the original material. Copyright law applies equally to digital and analog formats.

  • Video Digitization:
    • Analog to Digital Conversion: Equipment and training are available for converting analog video formats (e.g., VHS) to digital formats.
    • DVD Duplication and Conversion: Media Services may assist with DVD duplication and the conversion of DVDs to MP4 or other digital video formats, subject to staff availability and resource constraints. Duplication or conversion of copyrighted DVDs requires written permission from the copyright holder.
  • Audio Digitization:
    • CD Duplication: CD duplication services are available, subject to staff availability and resource constraints. Duplication of copyrighted CDs requires written permission from the copyright holder.

Additional Information

  • The use of copyrighted materials for instructional purposes in the classroom does not nullify Federal Copyright Law.
  • The absence of a copyright notice on a work does not necessarily indicate that the work is public domain.
    Prerecorded videocassettes of public domain programs rented from a store are copyrighted by the distributor and may not be duplicated without written authorization from the copyright holder.
  • For further information about media duplication, digitization services, copyright, or fair use, please contact Media Services.
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