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Thane Kreiner, Ph.D., former Executive Director, Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship

Thane Kreiner

Thane Kreiner, Ph.D., is a former Executive Director of the Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University.

The Center’s mission is to accelerate global, innovation-based entrepreneurship in service to humanity. Its signature Global Social Benefit Institute (GSBI®) program has graduated more than 200 social enterprises, which have collectively impacted the lives of nearly 100 million people worldwide. Kreiner taught Entrepreneurship for Social Justice and two courses for theGlobal Social Benefit Fellowship.

Kreiner was founder, president, and CEO of several life sciences start-ups, including Second Genome, a microbiome company; Presage Biosciences, Inc., focused on bringing better cancer drugs to market; and iPierian, a regenerative medicine venture recently acquired by Bristol-Myers Squibb. Previously, he spent 14 years in senior leadership roles atAffymetrix, Inc., which pioneered the DNA chip industry. Kreiner earned his Ph.D. in neurosciences and his MBA from Stanford.

African girl reading in the dark with the assistance of a lamp

Empowering Women to Power Up the Rural Poor

By Thane Kreiner
An estimated 1.2 billion people worldwide lack access to electricity, and most resort to kerosene as their primary lighting source. It has been...
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Corporations and Social Entrepreneurship: A Shift

By Thane Kreiner
Why are corporations such as Unilever, Kimberly Clark, and Siemens starting to take action on specific United Nations Sustainable Development Goals...
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Pope Francis and U.N. in Sync on Sustainable Development Goals

By Thane Kreiner
It’s been more than a year since I first addressed the Pope’s encyclical, and a great deal has happened since. Following is an update. Complex global issues...
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A person sitting by a wall in a shaded area.

Hacking Poverty through Social Entrepreneurship

By Thane Kreiner
In Silicon Valley the term “hacker” connotes high praise for someone particularly adept at finding clever new ways to accomplish difficult tasks...
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A young boy stands outdoors with trees and soil in the background.

How Can We Prevent 'Climate Refugees'?

By Thane Kreiner
What do Pope Francis and Elon Musk have in common? The leader of the Catholic Church and one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs both...
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A partially lit earth-like globe with lines and dots representing connections.

Powering Social Justice with the Jesuit Network

By Thane Kreiner
When presidents and leaders of Jesuit higher-education institutions from around the world gathered in Mexico City in April 2010, Superior...
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A hand holding a small globe between fingers.

The Pope, the Poor, and the Planet

By Thane Kreiner
The Pope's forthcoming encyclical on the environment will call attention to the impact of climate change on the planet and the global poor. His...
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A large group of smiling children holding up handwritten notes.

How Can We Measure Social Impact?

By Thane Kreiner
A recent Deloitte survey of 7,800 Millennials from 29 countries found that 73 percent believe businesses should have a positive impact on wider...
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Close-up of green grass with a blurred background.

How Can You Rebuild Trust after Terror?

By Thane Kreiner
Building successful social enterprises can be challenging and there are many factors that contribute to their success or failure. Lack of...
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A person running with a blurred motion effect.

Global Change: How Students are Catalysts

By Thane Kreiner
During the last twelve years, the Center for Science, Technology, and Society, has worked with more than 300 social entrepreneurs through...
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Panoramic view of a city with contrasting weather: stormy on the left, sunny on the right.

Social Entrepreneurship and Global Warming

By Thane Kreiner
The United Nations Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) recently released an interim report, which examines what it...
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