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A Black person in a brown turtleneck and glasses.
Justin Clardy, Assistant Professor, Philosophy

Justin Clardy

Professor Justin Clardy’s (he/they) research focuses on normative questions that arise within the contexts of interpersonal relationships and political theories. Within that context, they have special interests in questions about social justice and emotions such as love and tenderness. Additionally, Prof. Clardy enjoys teaching courses in philosophy of race, ethics, and the philosophy of emotions.

Their debut book, Why It's Ok to Not Be Monogamous investigated the ethicality of non-monogamous relationship styles and the unjust political consequences for non-monogamists in liberal societies with monogamous marriage institutions. Their current research projects utilize insights gleaned from the school of thought known as Afropessimism to analyze civic indifference, Black suffering, and otherwise the socio-ontological positioning of those marked “Black.”

Three illustrated silhouettes of people in profile, facing right, each with a red heart over their heads.

Love, With Intention

By Justin Clardy
What does it mean to experience love outside the traditional two-person romantic model? Black, queer philosopher Justin Clardy explains the transformative power “non-monogamy” can have on everyday life.
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