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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Code of Ethics Guidelines and Samples from Professional Associations and State and Local Governments

Guidelines for Code of Ethics:

American Society for Public Administration - Code of Ethics

"Since 1984, ASPA has promoted a commitment to high standards of ethical practice by public servants.  The Code of Ethics was revised in 2013. ...  The Code of Ethics presents the key principles that public servants should advance, and its educational and review activities support the ethical behavior of members and hold them accountable for adhering to these principles. 

Institute for Local Government, Sacramento, CA  Public Agency Ethics Law Compliance Checklist

“Because public trust and confidence is vital to the strength of a democratic system, ethics laws sometimes set very high standards for public official conduct. Even though public officials may feel at times that some of these high standards of conduct are unduly burdensome or intrusive of their private lives, they must accept that adhering to these standards, including broad financial disclosure rules for gifts and income, is simply part of the process of public service."

International City County Management Association (ICMA) Code of Ethics

"Adopted in 1924, the ICMA Code of Ethics defined the principles that today serve as the foundation for the local government management profession and set the standard for excellence. Leadership in a management structure committed to equity, transparency, integrity, stewardship of public resources, political neutrality, and respect for the rights and responsibility of elected officials and residents strengthens democratic local governance."

Municipal Research and Services Center 

 "This page provides examples of ethics codes that have been adopted by cities, counties, and special purpose districts in Washington State, highlighting common ethics and conflict of interest concerns."


Sample Ethics Codes in State and Local Governments:

State of California Public Officials and Employees Rules

City of Santa Clara Code of Ethics and Values

City of Sacramento Code of Ethics

City of Sunnyvale Code of Ethics and Conduct for Elected and Appointed Officials

City of Atlanta, GA Boards and Commissions Code of Ethics

Michigan Municipal League Ethics Resources

Vermont State Code of Ethics

Mar 1, 2021
Government Ethics Stories