President Biden's inaugural speech urging the nation to put aside personal interests and find unity in the common good.
Like others from history, a leader’s lies have led to violence.
Delaying a smooth executive transition harms both the public interest and national security.
Our state and local officials have an ethical duty to reassure the American public that the right to vote will be guaranteed and the outcomes will have integrity.
Public debate is one of many tools for educating the public about candidates and their positions on issues and the voting public deserves another.
Catholic teaching does not prohibit voting for a pro-choice candidate.
While it’s not uncommon to see dirty tricks in politics, the most ethical candidates will typically avoid these common tactics.
Guidelines for ethical debate conduct by candidates.
An introduction to campaign ethics including ethical dilemmas, cases, and links
Concerns for voters and pointers for candidates on how to run an ethical campaign from experienced political consultants
Material on conducting an ethical campaign for public office