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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


Twitter Logo displayed on a digital screen with login interface.

Twitter Logo displayed on a digital screen with login interface.

Twitter Fires two top Managers

Ann Skeet, senior director of leadership ethics, quoted on NBC Bay Area.

Twitter CEO asks two top managers to leave the company and drastic cost-cutting measures, bringing a wave of uncertainty to both employees and shareholders although this type of action is not uncommon in case of pending buy out/takeover.

Ann Skeet, senior director, leadership ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics provides insight to this decision.

"I think this points to the realities of leadership and how relatively unsexy the job can be at times. The current CEO is focusing on the current situation and appointing the leadership he feels he needs during a time of such a high degree of uncertainty."

Ann Skeet, senior director of leadership ethics, quoted on NBC Bay Area. 

media,leadership, skeet

Gregory Bull/AP Photos