The Vatican Releases its own AI Ethics Handbook

“The goal is to actually empower the people inside the company as people are going about their everyday work, whether it’s writing a code or a technical manual, or thinking about issues around workplace culture,” Gregg Skeet said. “We’ve tried to write in the language of business and engineers so the reserves will actually get used and they’re similar to things and standards they’ve seen before.”
“Major guardrails are absolutely necessary, and countries and governments will implement them in time,” Father Brendan said. “But this book plays a significant role in fast tracking the approach to design and consumer implementation. That’s where we’re trying to enable companies to meet the standards we need way ahead of time.”
"The ITEC Handbook", Ann Skeet, senior director, leadership ethics, and Father Brendan McGuire, pastor, and ITEC advisor, quoted by Gizmodo.