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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


Associated Press Logo

Associated Press Logo

Plagiarism Charges Downed Harvard’s President. A Conservative Attack Helped to fan the Outrage

John Pelissero, director, government ethics, quoted by the Associated Press.

The Associated Press reports, Harvard President Claudine Gay, resigned Tuesday facing outrage from political conservatives who after disagreeing with the decision by the Harvard Board to retain her in her leadership role, instead put her career under intense scrutiny citing plagiarism within Gay's past academic citations.

John Pelissero, director, government ethics, said instances of plagiarism deserve to be evaluated individually and that it’s not always so cut and dried.

“You’re looking for whether there was intentionality to mislead or inappropriately borrow other people’s ideas in your work,” Pelissero said. “Or was there an honest mistake?”


John Pelissero, director, government ethics, quoted by the Associated Press, and republished by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Los Angeles Times, and more than 100 regional outlets.


media, government