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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


Forbes Logo: A white capital

Forbes Logo: A white capital "F" on black background.

Perplexity AI vs Journalism: The Risks we Need to Anticipate

Subbu Vincent, director, journalism and media ethics, published in Forbes.

Nothing comes close to a flashpoint like Forbes’ recent accusation about Perplexity AI. This is a unique moment because it is about journalistic labor and form.

"What’s missing in all the back and forth about the adequacy, or not, of citations, traffic referrals, and rights is a discussion on a fundamental question: What is the future of the journalistic form? Paywalled or not, are we headed to a future where journalists are merely laboring to supply tokens (pun intended) to large language models and their applications?"

Subbu Vincent, director, journalism and media ethics, published in Forbes.


media, journalism