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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics




Meet Daniela Amodei, President of Anthropic and One of the Most Influential Executives in the AI ​​Area

Ann Skeet, senior director, leadership ethics, quoted by Época NEGÓCIOS.

According to Ann Skeet, senior director at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University and author of the book Ethics in the Age of Disruptive Technologies, Anthropic has an organizational structure that differentiates it from other startups. of AI. “They established themselves as a public benefit corporation [PBC, a corporation created to generate benefits for society and operate in a responsible and sustainable manner]. This allows them to consider other interests when making decisions, in addition to investor profits,” Skeet told Época NEGÓCIOS. Furthermore, they introduced a compliance structure with five members with no financial interest in the company, who appoint and dismiss some of the board members.

“With this, they intend to align corporate governance with the mission of developing AI aimed at the well-being of society”, explains the expert. 


Ann Skeet, senior director, leadership ethics, quoted by Época NEGÓCIOS. (The original article is in Portuguese. Select English for translation.)


media, leadership