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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


Laptop, tablet, and smartphone displaying charts and Bitcoin logos on a desk.

Laptop, tablet, and smartphone displaying charts and Bitcoin logos on a desk.

Insider Trading Suspect Gives Consumers Guidance on Coinbase Blog, With his Byline Missing

Don Heider, executive director at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, quoted by San Francisco Examiner.

Ishan Wahi, Coinbase product manager, has been charged in what may be the first ever cryptocurrency insider trading scheme. Advice on Coinbase's company blog, previously attributed to Wahi, remains on the website but without his byline.

“When they keep his blog post up and don’t run any note that he’s been fired and charged with a crime, that’s information most readers would want to have,” said Don Heider, executive director of The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. “If they left the post up and simply removed the byline, that’s not transparent. It feels a little bit underhanded.”

Don Heider, executive director at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, quoted by San Francisco Examiner.
