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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


Facebook app icon with a notification badge showing three unread messages.

Facebook app icon with a notification badge showing three unread messages.

Facebook's Oversight Board Proved its Worth by Dodging Final Call on Trump

Subbu Vincent, director, journalism and media ethics, quoted on Yahoo! Finance.

According to Subbu Vincent, director for the journalism and media ethics program at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, Facebook also has to look at the larger narratives like disinformation fed by individual posts.

“[Facebook] must consider a new ‘dangerous narratives’ model,” Vincent said. “The design must include ‘participatory narratives’ as well. Without getting into this, the assessment of appropriate penalties will stand on faulty design and is fraught.”

Subbu Vincent, director, journalism and media ethics, quoted on Yahoo! Finance.
