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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


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14 AZ Lawmakers Took 9-day Europe Trip Sponsored in Part by Lobbyists and More are Coming

John Pelissero, senior scholar in government ethics, quoted by The Arizona Republic.

The trip may well have had trade benefits, but lawmakers should still take care to avoid a perception that they're receiving gifts that could influence their policy making, said John Pelissero, senior scholar in government ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University in California.

The number of lawmakers and that they could take their spouses seemed excessive to Pelissero, who called the trip a "junket."

"It's never wise for them to accept gifts from lobbyists" who are being paid to "get legislation that will benefit their clients," he said. "It can affect the public's trust in the state Legislature."

John Pelissero, senior scholar in government ethics, quoted by The Arizona Republic.


