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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

An Introduction to Software Engineering Ethics

Shannon Vallor and Arvind Narayanan
People collaborating at a table with laptops and beverages in a busy room.

People collaborating at a table with laptops and beverages in a busy room.

No training in ethical theory, applied ethics, or philosophy is required for either the instructor or the students as they tackle these materials.This ethics module for software engineering courses includes a reading, homework assignments, case studies, and classroom exercises, all designed to spark a conversation about ethical issues that students will face in their lives as software engineers.

The revised module, which can be used in part or in whole, now includes additional suggestions for classroom use (in the “Notes for Instructors” section), as well as an expanded bibliography (Appendix C).

The module is provided at no cost (with written permission for class use) by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University.

PHOTO CREDITS: Students Coding at Hackathon by, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license on Flickr.

Oct 21, 2015