Kari Kjos
- What should the Mubanda health minister do? The options mentioned in the case are listed below:
- Divert what resources she could from HIV/AIDS programs to buy supplies of Holizan at the current global price of $450 per regiment
- Ask Rosendahl to make supplies of Holizan available free or at production cost
- Arrange with a generic drug firm in South Africa to produce a Holizan equivalent without permission form or payment to Rosendahl.
- Wait and see how the crisis develops
- What should Rosendahl's CEO Elliott do, knowing that he has no control over the production of generic Holizan in Africa?
- Pharma and Stakeholders: What obligations do pharmaceutical companies have to their stock holders and development financers? What responsibilities, if any, does the pharmaceutical industry have to both the local and global communities?
- What is a "fair" price for Holizan? In answering this question, consider what is fair to Rosendahl, Rosendahl's stock holders, and the people of Mubanda.
- Should Rosendahl provide Holizan for free? At production cost? At a price that will cover development costs to break even? At a price that will turn a profit
- When should countries be able to violate patent rights?
- What do you think of the WTO rules?
- What do you think of Celine Charvariet of OXFAM's statement that "poverty alone in the third world ought to justify violating patent rights on a very broad set of drugs"?
- How will WTO patent rules affect new R&D on pharmaceuticals for the third world?
July 2010
Jul 1, 2010