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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics




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Welcome Remarks and Introduction   8:30 – 9:15 a.m. PDT

  • Welcome from Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Executive Director Don Heider.
  • NHNAH overview from Brian Green (Markkula Center for Applied Ethics) and Mathieu Guillermin (Lyon Catholic University)
    • AI is changing the world, but we tend not to see the truly global picture. The NHNAI project has gathered that global perspective, and here the project leader will share what has been discovered.

Keynote   9:15 – 10:15 a.m. PDT

De-Coding our Humanity: Dignity and Fullness in the Digital Age  

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Shannon Vallor (University of Edinburgh)

Professor Shannon Vallor, Baillie Gifford Professor in Ethics of Data and Artificial Intelligence and Director of the Centre for Technomoral Futures at the Edinburgh Futures Institute, University of Edinburgh, unveils new work, inspired by Charles Taylor’s The Secular Age, on the evolution of the modern conception of the ‘coded human.’ After outlining this concept and highlighting its reinforcement by AI and other emerging technologies, Dr. Vallor will explore how it increasingly obscures our access to the experiences of human dignity and fullness, and how we might move beyond its limits.

Break   10:15 – 10:30 a.m. PDT

Human Dignity Framing   10:30 – 11:45 a.m. PDT

Speakers: TBA

Moderator: Subbu Vincent

How do grassroots leaders frame dignity in their efforts to remove indignities that people and communities experience at the margins, online and offline? What is an available and accessible definition of “dignity” from philosophy that grounds the other values and processes in societies towards becoming more just?  

Break   11:45-11:50 a.m. PDT

Round Table Lunch   11:50 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. PDT

Lunch and learn with an overview of the Markkula Center Framework and work through a use case. Lunch will be provided to round table participants.

Break   12:50-1 p.m. PDT

Organizational Responsibility   1 – 2:10 p.m. PDT

Speakers: TBA

Moderators: Ann Skeet and Brian Green

AI is developed and deployed in organizational contexts. What are the responsibilities of organizations to do AI right? What can organizations do to promote AI in ways that protect human dignity?

Break  2:15 – 2:30 p.m. PDT

Marginalized Communities   2:30 – 3:45 p.m. PDT

Speakers: TBA

Moderator: David DeCosse

Explore the impact and opportunities of digital technologies on communities living on the edges of society.

The Digital Future: Humanity and AI   3:45 – 4:25 p.m. PDT

Speakers: Mathieu Guillermin (Lyon Catholic University) and Susan Kennedy (Santa Clara University)

Moderators: Brian Green and Thor Wasbotten

Where have we been and where are we going? This session will bring the day together and ask: now that we are aware of the risks and opportunities, what can we do to promote human dignity in a world of AI?

Concluding Remarks  4:30 – 5 p.m. PDT

Takeaways from the day / How might participants get more involved?

An outreached hand reaching for a heart, surrounded by circuitry. The words