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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Ethics Center Reconfirms Support to United Nations Global Compact

A rendering of a blue globe with white vertical and horizontal lines. The words

A rendering of a blue globe with white vertical and horizontal lines. The words "UN Global Compact" form an arch above the top of the globe.

United Nations Global Compact logo. Image source: UNGC.

As a special initiative of the UN Secretary-General, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is a call to companies everywhere to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and to take action in support of UN goals. It is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world.

The Ethics Center, a member of the UNGC since 2003, recently submitted its Communication of Engagement, describing the actions that our organization has taken between 2021-24 to support the Global Compact and its principles, and outlining Ethics Center programs, content, and events, to support the Compact as well as describing the our direct engagement with corporations during this timeframe.

Notably these past three years, the growth in interest in technology and technology-related issues continued to climb, and that focus is reflected in the scope of our activities during this reporting period. Ethics professionals within the Center have responded to this increase in demand for efforts to support ethical business practices by addressing the development of the responsible use of technology in all of our program areas, which has continued to heighten our interactions with the business sector across the Center’s activities.

In addition to the work we do with companies, our engagement in more traditional aspects of higher education has also continued and grown. In this report, we include some of the work by the Santa Clara University students who participate in our various fellowships and student programs at the Ethics Center, working in partnership with the ethics professionals on our staff.

Executive Director, Don Heider, in his introduction to the report states, "Our work remains complementary and supportive of the UNGC’s 10 core principles, addressing the critical issues of human rights, labor policy, environmental protection, and global corruption, among others." 

Visit the UNGC website for more information about the UNGC and to access the full report.



Jul 29, 2024


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