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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

All in the Service of Humanity

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Alt text: "Framework for Promoting Workforce Well-being in the AI-Integrated Workplace" on a purple gradient background.

The Ethics Center is proud to announce our collaborative participation in today’s launch from The Partnership on AI. The Partnership on AI has released a paper prepared by global professionals and organizations (the Ethics Center among them) working together since the spring of 2018 to consider workforce well-being in an artificial intelligence (AI) integrated workplace. 

Businesses worldwide are increasingly introducing AI into the workplace, unleashing a tremendous potential to boost productivity, enable new business models, improve safety, and assist workers. This adoption also engenders a whole host of risks to the well-being of the workforce, potentially exacerbating long-standing inequities in the treatment of workers, which have been laid bare by the COVID-19 health crisis and the economic fallout that ensued. New concepts, ideas, and social institutions will be necessary to ensure that transitions to AI-integrated organizations are as inclusive of and empowering for workers as possible. Today’s announcement addresses that need.

The Framework is an exciting new tool to facilitate an inclusive dialogue across stakeholders - management, workers, unions, and technology developers - by highlighting priority areas of well-being for organizations to focus on and articulating a set of questions to further guide discussions and decision making. 

Senior Director of Leadership Ethics Ann Skeet, who led the Center’s collaboration in this project, offers her insights and reflections on her blog.

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Aug 27, 2020


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