The important work done by the Ethics Center is, in part, made possible by the generous financial support of its donors.

"I give to the Markkula Center because the return it offers is of tremendous value to so many. In today’s ever-changing landscape, the Ethics Center remains a constant on which we can all rely to work through issues large or small, regardless of subject matter, using its timeless ethical decision-making framework. The Markkula Center exists for everyone’s use—by students, in government, corporate and nonprofit settings to help us resolve issues and make well-reasoned decisions. We all make decisions and can benefit from the problem-solving tools offered by the Center. Through its programs and outreach, the Center is that voice which reminds us of the value of critical and independent thinking that can withstand scrutiny because of its strong ethical foundation. With continued support, the sphere of influence of the Markkula Center will expand to the point where it becomes top of mind as the resource to be consulted in working through issues, locally or globally, wherever its work is needed.”
Risë Jones Pichon
"We live in the best of times. Life expectancy, technology, communications, transportation, and gross national products are at an all time best. But we also live among the worst of times. Loss of trust in our institutions, inequity, environmental damage, violence, irrationality, and hatred are growing. Applied ethics, as uniquely taught and championed by the Markkula Center, can create the balance needed to retain the best while increasing trust, equity, care for the environment, rationality, human decency, and tolerance."
Dick Levy

“I think the legacy of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics is to stay relevant as an academic institution, and to continue to foster the morals and ethical values in the real world, for which we feel privileged to help the Center have a capacity and resource to make a difference.”
C.S. & Jin Park
Special thanks to our endowment fund donors. These contributions sustain our work for years beyond their initial gifts:
Anonymous (2)
Joan and the late Michael Hackworth
Linda and A.C. "Mike" Markkula
Martin and Donna Melone
Ann and William Regan III
2020-21 Annual Donors
$100,000 and above
Marty and Donna Melone
Craig and Eileen Newmark
Charmaine and Dan Warmenhoven
Warmenhoven Family Foundation
$20,000 - $99,999
Ron and Lisa Blair
Donna Blair
Blair Family Foundation
Peggy and Dick Bradshaw
Gary Connor
Doelger Charitable Trust
Kirk and Kathryn Hanson
Cathie and Pitch Johnson, Jr.
Dick and Sue Levy
C.S. and Jin Park
$10,000 - $19,999
Anonymous (3)
Kirk and Sarah Bresniker
Joan and John Casey, Jr.
Dan and Linda Cooperman
Art and Carol Courville
Mary Ganahl
Norm Kline and Allison Abbott-Kline
Gary and Laura Lauder
Betsy and Steve Rafael
Byron and Stephanie Scordelis
Tacy Witter and Jeff Mayer
$5,000 - $9,999
Risë Jones Pichon and Ulysses Pichon
Katie Martin-Laurits and David Laurits
Georganne and Michael Perkins
Bill and Ann Regan
Nancy and John Reynolds
Richard and Sally Slavin
Dan and Sue White
$1,000 - $4,999
Louise Aiello
Betty Baldacci
Douglas and Susan Chance
Jim Cowie
Gerry and Robin Ferrari
Gail Giacomazzi
Marianne Huesman
Mark and Diana Jensen
Kieve Foundation
Carol Mayer Marshall and Bob Williams
Noel Perry
Charlotte Scholz
Mike and Alicia Seifert
Ervie Smith
Christopher Stavrou
Phillip and Elaine Warren
Don and Sue Watters
For questions, please contact Leslie Leonetti, director external relations, at
Up to $999
Anonymous (4)
Rick Allen, II and Liz Roberto Allen
Kathy and Edgar Almazol
Mercedes Andalon
Jason Back
Judy Bartee
Lisa Berglund
Charles Binkley
Sue Bleecker
Matt Bortner
Mary and Les Boughton
Kristi and Steve Bowers
Arlene Boyd
John Burns
Erin Callister
Tina Caratan
Rachel and Nick Casini
Sharon and Jim Caviglia
Kevin and Carleen Clark
John Compagno and Joleen Lenihan
Christine Condy
Michael and Sue Connelly
Laura Cooper
Kevin and Kristin Cote
Amelia Craig
Susan Crown
Peter and Jill Daniels
Neil Datar
David DeCosse
Monica and David DeLong
Deborah and Bruce Dembecki
Joel and Monica Dibble
Rod Divelbiss and Jan Butler
Audrey Doocy
Sara Dougherty and Andrew Hudnut
Sherri and Arthur Douville
Madeline Eiken
Wills and Kendall Fallon
Darren and Trish Farrell
Ash Farrington
Jim Felser
Debra Figone
Matthew and Kathleen Foley
Barron Fong
Veronica and Lorenzo Gamboa, Jr
Elizabeth and Gabriel Gils Carbo
Brian Green
Leslie Griffin
Kris and Gil Harper
Don and Jeanne Heider
Anna Heider
Dick Heisel
Kelly and Andy Hollingsworth
Scott and Trulie Holmes
Peter Horan
Debra Iob
Steve Kahl
Anne Kangas
Peter and Judy Kennedy
Barbara Kennedy-Dalder and Edward Dalder
Margaret and Steven Koike
Shantanu Kothavale
Kevin Krautscheid
Gail Kropp
Josephine Krossa
Scott Laidlaw and Suzanne Bartels
Bart and Stephanie Lally
Ida and Craig Larsen
Katherine Leardini
Laurie Leonetti
Leslie Leonetti and Jock McCoy
Lisa Leonetti
Brendan Lewis
Mark and Karen Libby
Joan Harrington and David Light
Deborah Lohse
Susan Lucas Taylor
Eoin Lyons
Brian and Dorrie Lysaght
Lisa March
Mary and Victor Marchini, Jr.
Hope McGowan
Leonard and Nadia McNally
Woerner and Deborah Meehan
Trish and James Melehan
Erin and Eric Miller
Peter and Deborah Minowitz
Maria Miranda
Ciara Moezidis
Eddie and Catherine Moran
Patricia and Mitch Murakami
Mary and Michael Murphy
Chris Nelson
Meryl Oliver
Teresa O'Neill
Michael Pacelli
Elizabeth Patterson
Natasha and Juan Pedroza
John Pelissero
Ray Plaza
Julie Poimiroo
Rodger and Sally Powers
Elizabeth Powers
Roey Rahmil and Lorin Kline
Allison and Adam Rak
George Ramos
Charles Rausch, Jr.
Ann and Stephen Ravel
Bridget Reynolds
Paul Richey
Kendra Robinson
Jen Santoro
Aven Satre-Meloy
Andrew Schneider
Meghan and Jimmy Shoven
Allie Sibole
Paul and Paula Siegel
Sheri Simmons and David Smith
Ann and Bill Skeet
John Smith
Elizabeth and Michael Smith
James Sontag and Samantha Juda
Jennifer Sparacino
Maureen Specchierla
Sara Tangdall
Sheila Taylor
Brad Thoreson
Bill Thorne, Jr.
Kathleen and Jeffrey Thuner
Jessica Torres
Nick Trausch, III
Timothy Troglia and Sandra Carrasco
Marc Tunzi and Danielle Acton
Tony Vigliotta and Meredith Connolly
Joyce Viloria and Alexander Keedy
Adam Vinhateiro
Marilyn Voelke and Kelly Monaghan
Richard and Jeanne Waite
Hannah Warnecke
Thor Wasbotten and Lisa Lachman
Scott and Margaret Weber
Marc and Christine Weibel
Mark Williams
Darlene Williamson
Caroline Wolf
Lei Xia and Jing Zhang
Chris Yarp
Keith Yocam
Winston Yu