Consultation From the Ethics Center

At the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, the teaching of ethics is essential to the goals described in our mission statement. While this often takes the form of educating the public and aiding organizations, the mission can also be found in the Center’s Fee-for-Service program. Through this work, the Center consults with companies that require help deciphering ethical dilemmas in their field.
Thor Wasbotten, the Center’s managing director, explained more about the aid that the Center provides to these organizations: “We don’t tell anybody what we think is the right answer to their challenges. Our job is to make sure they have the tools to make the most appropriate decision for them.”
This coaching can take place through training sessions in person or online, the creation of case studies, and more individualized approaches to different situations. Each company presents a new and unique angle from which the Center’s team can provide ethical commentary and guidance. The Center also personalizes the teams working on each project, with its technology, medical, business and other ethics experts working with companies in their respective sectors.
While the Center graciously accepts and relies on donations and grants, the Fee-for-Service program provides an essential piece of funding for the Center. Because of the independent nature of the Center’s operations, Fee-for-Service has become one of its fastest growing sources of funding.
Fee for Service is an essential component of the Center’s offerings, and it allows the Center to reach people and companies in unique and personalized ways, increasing our impact in the communities we serve.