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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

2018-19 Annual Report



Like birds, ethical issues are everywhere...local, global, rare and common, varied in size, often difficult to spot, but noticed by those in search of them.

 Birds in a TreeBirds in a Tree

Message from the Executive Director


Dear Friends,

If you can’t recognize an ethical problem, you can’t fix it. The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University exists to help people see, understand, and work through ethical problems. When we conduct ethics training, we often use birds as an analogy, a way to help people understand this idea; thus the theme for this year’s annual report.

We have taken some big steps this past year; each of our areas is going through the design thinking process, in order to make sure we have targeted the right audiences and that we are producing outstanding materials for that audience.

We have increased our communication: Joel Dibble has joined us as the Center’s first director of news and public relations. We began compiling Ethics Spotlights; writing collections of essays that offer an ethical analysis of current topics such as immigration issues, mass shootings, and the child sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church.

In short, we are committed to producing more ethics material which can be shared widely across platforms. Materials like Hana Callaghan’s new book, Campaign Ethics: A Field Guide, the first of its kind. Or case studies and trainings we have produced for major companies. The stories profiled in this edition highlight some of the great work done in 2018 and 2019 but also shine a light on projects that will continue to be impactful into the coming year.

To those of you who are new to the Ethics Center and our work, we look forward to building a long-lasting partnership, and to our old friends, thank you for your ongoing support.


Don Heider
Don Heider Executive Director