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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Violence at the Capitol

Photo: Jose Luis Magana/Associated Press 

It’s hard to imagine that ethics played any kind of role in the insurrection at the Capitol building, but from leadership failures to free speech and social media to the Supreme Court, Ethics Center staff and scholars provide an analysis of the ethical challenges associated with the historic actions of January 6.


Ethics and Certifying the Election by Don Heider (@donheider), executive director of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.

Senators and Representatives who voted against certifying the Electoral College results were prioritizing their self-interests over the common good.

Can Leadership be Successful With Questionable Values? - The Storming of the U.S. Capitol by Jo-Ellen Pozner (@JEPozner) and Hooria Jazaieri (@HooriaJazaieri), assistant professors, management, with the Leavy School of Business at Santa Clara University, and faculty scholars with the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.

When a charismatic leader such as President Trump celebrates controversial values and praises them as virtues, problematic values engender problematic behaviors.  

The “Big Lie” is Always Violent: The Inevitability of Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by David E. DeCosse (@DavidDeCosse), director of the Religious & Catholic Ethics and Campus Ethics programs at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.

Like others from history, a leader’s lies have led to violence.

On “Trump Media” by Irina Raicu (@iEthics), director of Internet Ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.

Without new laws and new conversations about the ethical norms associated with social media, the disinformation, polarization, and resulting violence will continue. 

Voting and the Capitol Insurrection by Ann Ravel (@AnnMRavel), advisory board member for the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics and former chair of the Federal Election Commission.

2020 was marked by extreme division in our country around voting processes and outcomes, culminating in mob violence at our nation’s Capitol.

Riot in the Capitol: Blame the Supreme Court by David Sloss, John A. and Elizabeth H. Sutro Professor of Law at the Santa Clara University School of Law and faculty scholar, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.

The Supreme Court’s First Amendment doctrine has fostered the development of a media environment in which Americans are flooded with misinformation. 

Covering Domestic Terrorism in Solidarity with People Subjected to It  By Anita Varma (@anitawrites), assistant director of Journalism & Media Ethics and a visiting lecturer in journalism ethics at UC Berkeley’s School of Journalism.

Ethical representation centers people impacted, not just the perpetrators.

The Consequences of Unethical Leadership … and Followership  By Ann Skeet (@leaderethics), senior director of leadership ethics and John Pelissero (@1pel) is a senior scholar of government ethics, both with the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.

The consequences of Trump’s rhetoric and his followers’ actions manifested themselves in the nation’s capital on January 6, 2021.

**NEW** How Social Media Has Harmed the Growth of Democratic Culture by Design by Subramaniam Vincent (@subbuvincent), director of journalism & media ethics at the Markkula Center of Applied Ethics. 

By their very design, social media platforms have offered equal opportunity to sellers of “Big Lies,” conspiracy theories, and political disinformation.

Related Resources

What's Next for White House Coverage? Trump, Biden, and the Future of US Political Reporting Replay of a virtual discussion held on 12/18/20 hosted by the National Press Club Journalism Institute and the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.

The Capitol Riot was an Attempt to Lynch our Democracy by Alison M. Benders, associate dean, Jesuit School of Theology 

Social Media Companies Scramble to Stop the Spread of Trump's False Claims - Irina Raicu, director of Internet Ethics, interviewed by NBC Bay Area.

Post-Election Reconciliation SpotlightAfter a highly contentious (and ongoing) election, our country remains as polarized as ever. Ethics Center staff and scholars provide an analysis of the ethical challenges associated with healing these deep wounds. 

Election Ethics SpotlightEthics Center staff and scholars analyzed the associated ethical dilemmas leading up to the 2020 Election.

Jan 12, 2021

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