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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Sydney Lenoch

Sydney Lenoch ’22

In an age where your actions and decisions are displayed online, prone to public disapproval, many worry about so-called “cancel culture.” When reporting on instances of cancellations, journalists can fall into a pattern of making that cancellation the focus of the story. Instead, journalists should prioritize the perspective of those who have been harmed and disagree with the actions of the allegedly “canceled” person. This would shift the idea of cancel culture as a theoretical moral panic to an effective strategy for retribution and changed behavior.  


Sydney Lenoch’s slide on

View Sydney's project presentation.

View Sydney's project, "The Wolf That Cried Cancel Culture."


About Sydney Lenoch

A smiling person wearing a denim jacket with greenery in the background.

"Sydney Lenoch ’22 graduated with a double major in Philosophy and Women’s and Gender Studies, with a minor in English. She was raised in Montana and grew up in Washington, with both places holding a special place in her heart.

Apart from studying ethics, she loves to play rugby, talk about astrology, and cuddle with her cat Seven. As an amateur foodie, she also likes to try new recipes and restaurants whenever she can. She has been very passionate about feminist philosophies and social justice from a young age. When the pandemic brought us all online and social media began to consume her days, she observed the intersection of ethics and media. Discussions surrounding these intersections led by Black creators prompted her to ask critical questions about the platforms she was using, what it means to exist online, and the effect it has offline.

She was excited to work with the Markkula Center and continue her interest in exploring interactions between media, feminisms, and ethics. In this moment, as in all moments, the future is undetermined. She will continue to seek knowledge any way she can; through travel, community, and/or graduate school."

Aug 2, 2022

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