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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Previous Projects by Environmental Ethics Fellows

Study on the Environmental Impacts of Flooding on the Community of Pajaro, CA.
After the severe rain storms of 2023, the small Central Valley community of Pajaro flooded leading to the evacuation of 1,500 residents, mostly migrant farm workers. The environmental ethics fellows studied the ethical disparities in both emergency response and legislation to address infrastructure needs. Findings were presented at the Center's annual project showcase.

On the Pressing Issue of Space Debris
Space debris poses an imminent threat to space exploration and the actions we should take to mitigate the impact of this problem and its disastrous consequences.

The Colorado River and Environmental Justice for the Navajo Tribe
In water rights discussions, there is an ethical responsibility to include Indigenous people in both conversations and legislation decisions.

Is Climate Engineering Viable? And if it’s Viable, is it Ethical?
Learn about technological innovations in geoengineering and explore their ethical and legal implications.

An Ethical Evaluation of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
Perspective on technical and ethical questions that arise from exploring and using stratospheric aerosol injection to mitigate climate change.

A Brief Introduction to Climate Engineering
Is climate engineering a viable and ethical solution to slowing climate change?

An Ethical Study of the Impact of Water Insecurity on Identity in Indigenous Communities: The Cucapá Tribe of Mexico and Native Hawaiians near the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, O’ahu
Decades of overuse and climate change have exacerbated droughts and water shortages around the world, and Indigenous groups are disproportionately feeling the resulting effects of water insecurity.

Solutions to water insecurity and gender inequality challenges faced in Uganda require training, resource diversification, and climate-resistant infrastructure.

The Responsibility of Corporations to Mitigate Water Pollution
Improper dumping and waste disposal from corporations impacts the availability and quality of the water supply in the United States – these companies have an ethical responsibility to address these shortcomings in this area.

Expanding ESG: What does it mean for the Earth to belong to everyone?
Can ESG move past ingrained notions of property and capitalism and aid in the movement toward a more equitable, ethical, and sustainable future?

Evaluating the “E” in ESG: Defining Positive Environmental Behaviors in Business
ESG provides businesses with an opportunity to emphasize accountability and shift from a shareholder to a stakeholder model of business ownership.

Top Ten Things Every Organization Should Ask About the “E” in “ESG”
Ten important steps for companies pursuing ESG and a sustainable approach to business.

ESG and Corporations that Promote Overconsumption of Resources
Resource consumption is a major environmental and humanitarian issue, and one that ESG evaluation standards should take into account when making recommendations. 

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Investing in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)-focused companies performed better than others through the market volatility so common during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

This MomentDynamic ChangeRecreating Responsibly with Rogers
Responsible Recreating and Access to the Environment Through Public Lands During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 and the Environmental Crisis
The environmental impacts of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic are presented through a series of eight infographics

AI and the Ethics of Energy Efficiency
Weighing the costs of training and running an AI against the benefits of its energy-saving calculations

Creating Trustworthy AI for the Environment: Transparency, Bias, and Beneficial Use
How AI can carry human biases and worldviews into its environmental evaluations

Green Broncos Videos
The Green Broncos series is a spotlight on campus organizations and departments that are taking the lead on integrating environmental ethics into everyday life

Environmental Ethics Fellows's List of Environmental Activists, Heroes, and Martyrs
Our diverse environmental ethics fellows curated this list to display their personal examples and influences

Perspectives on Laudato Si
Thoughts from Santa Clara University Students

A Guide to the Ethics of Climate Neutrality
Ethical resources for institutions of higher learning

Addressing the Problem of Air Travel Emissions
What universities can do to cut greenhouse gas emissions from travel

The Ethics of Carbon Offsets
Reevaluating SCU's path to Carbon Neutrality

SCU Air Travel Emits Millions of Pounds of Pollution
Analysis of the environmental impact of air travel

How much Greenhouse Gas Does SCU Emit Due to Waste?
Waste water and solid waste emissions create greenhouse gasses

Environmental Ethics and Agriculture
Ethical issues raised by the cultivation of crops, especially regarding water and pesticide use.

The Ethics of Sustainability: Why Should We Care?
Personal reflection on the importance of environmental ethics

Standing Together in the Sun: Working with Communities to Develop an Equitable Solar Future
Working with communities to develop an equitable solar future

Material Evaluation Sheets
Evaluation of the environmental and ethical impact of various building materials

Solar Decathlon Ethics
Ethical analysis of the categories used in judging the Solar Decathlon

The Sun and the City: Making Solar Power More Accessible
An exploration of how to improve access to solar power by low-income communities

Carbon Footprint Calculator
A user-friendly device for college students to measure their impact on the environment

The Culture of Sustainability: A Study in Environmental Ethics
Research project on how Santa Clara University students understand, define, and express environmental values

Sustainability Reflections on a Smart Imperative
Ethical challenges facing SCU's first Solar Decathlon team

The Commons on Kennedy Mall: A Case Study in Green Building
A case study of Santa Clara University's Kennedy Mall

Fellowship Alumni