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Department ofSociology


Engaging Gen Z

Engaging Gen Z

Exploring Gen Z's College Experience

Sociology students interview Gen Z peers about their college experiences

By Maggie Hunter

Seven amazing Sociology majors have been working on the Gen Z Research Project since last May: Maya Diaz, Sydney Nguyen, Sade Hashemi, Amelia Ross, Michelle Flores, Alex Zabalza and Gigi Pisor. The generous grant from the Sociology Department allowed us to fund the students' work. The research project examines the attitudes and experiences of Gen Z college students, a generation of young adults aged 18-27. Many studies have been conducted on this newest generation of students, but most are quantitative surveys and fewer have been qualitative interview studies that will allow Gen Z college students to speak in their own voices about their experiences. This research project is especially focused on their experience in college classrooms and with social activism. Both higher education and social justice work have been significantly transformed by Gen Z. We have all watched student activists organizing on campuses across the country. College classrooms have also shifted quite radically from just two decades ago to be more student centered and caring - at least ideally. What kinds of classroom experiences are most impactful for Gen Z? What faculty traits and practices are most important to them? What motivates our youngest adults to be engaged in social justice work? Or not? Our team of student researchers have already completed 35 qualitative interviews! The team is now engaged in transcribing the data, coding and analysis. We plan to present our work this spring at a Sociology conference and for the larger Santa Clara University community.