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Department ofSociology


2017 Awards Banquet

2017 Awards Banquet

2017 Senior Capstone

Our senior sociology majors may choose either the Research Capstone or the Applied Sociology capstone for their final course of the major. They also have the opportunity to extend their research capstone papers for inclusion in the department’s student research publication.

Applied Capstone

Thirteen seniors chose to take the Applied Sociology capstone offered in the Winter of 2017. Students worked on a Professional Portfolio where they showed their ability to do an organizational analysis, grant seeking, and write a policy brief among other applied research skills. The students also worked on their own applied research projects for local organizations or to address specific policy issues.

Alberto Acosta. “Providing Law Enforcement Officers with Proper Ballistic Protection”

Amanda Clifford. “Proposal for a Direct Filing Sentence Alternative”

Rachel Duhe. “Grant Sourcing for HomeFirst”

Patrick Falzer. “Analysis of Changes in Affordability of Rent in Milpitas”

Nina Feliciano.  “TheatreWorks Donor Survey Report”

Sam Galvin. “Wrongfully Convicted, Eventually Exonerated: The Dangers of Wrongful Convictions”

Kimberly Goulart. “Evaluation of Teatro Vision Community Circles”

Lyn Ishizaki-Brown. “Jesuit Values and Service Learning: A Comparative Study”

Emilie Lederer. “Gear Library Efficiency and Youth Served Analysis at Bay Area Wilderness Training”

Lauren Perez. “After-School Programs: Improving Educational Outcomes for Low-Income Students”

Michele Thorpe. “Building Self-Efficacy in Children: Targeting Student Needs on a Holistic Level”

Yesenia Veamatahau. “Naturalization in the Silicon Valley: Benefits of U.S. Citizenship for Immigrant Communities”

Emily Wolph. “After-School Programs: Key to Children’s Success”


Research Capstone:

Fourteen Seniors chose to complete their Research Capstone Projects in Fall 2016. In the research capstone course, each wrote an independent research paper on a sociological topic that they had studied in the Sociology program. They used national secondary survey data supplemented with qualitative interviews they conducted with service professionals knowledgeable about their topics.

Lauren Allegra. “Citizen Satisfaction and Political Awareness on the Future of Gendered Policies in the European Union”

Caitlin Burns. “Parental Enforcements and Academic Achievement: Impacts on a Child’s Self-Esteem”

Jessica Frydenberg. “The Future of the European Union: Comparative Roles of Informed Citizenry and Their Quality of Life in Confidence in the EU?”

Ana Gómez. “Displacement and Economic Resources: Impacts on Housing Careers”

Jordan Jesolva. “Mixed Methods Research Studying Impact of Adult Support and Availability of Drugs on Adolescent Drug Use”

Katie McQueen. “Drugs, Crime, and Incarceration Among Young Adults”

Jocelyn Orozco, “Values of Education among High school students: Impacts of Socioeconomic Resources and Academic Engagement”

Oscar Quiroz-Medrano. “Challenges in The Road to Higher Education: Impacts of Juvenile Delinquency, Negative High School Experiences, and Prevention Education”

Hannah Reader. “Regional Differences in the Impacts of Sports Participation and Academic Engagement on Underage Drinking”

Karen Robles. “Impacts of Peer Culture and Family Support on Intimate Partner Violence Among Older Adolescents”

Joey Sanfilippo. “Substance Use, Social Integration, and Aggression Among American Youth”

Nicole Speciale. “Identity, Social Integration, and Involvement: Understanding LGBT Organizational Effectiveness”

Breana Vargas. “Effects of Workplace Fexibility and Mentorship on Employee Health Quality”

Veronica Ybarra. “Youth Disruptive Behaviors: Teacher Support versus School Privilege”